To: Cheerio
When a liberal is losing an argument, they change the narrative or move the goalposts.
They are intellectually bankrupt.
3 posted on
09/18/2016 7:20:35 AM PDT by
headstamp 2
(Fear is the mind killer.)
To: headstamp 2
They dont need goal posts, they are the goal posts.
6 posted on
09/18/2016 7:21:53 AM PDT by
(Truth is always stranger than fiction.)
To: headstamp 2
When a liberal is losing an argument, they change the narrative or move the goalposts.
Hense hilldabeast falls on her face and they all pile on and accuse trump of not releasing his medical records. Despicable parasites
To: headstamp 2
Or just LIE! No wonder the Media is plummeting in trustworthiness!
10 posted on
09/18/2016 7:30:29 AM PDT by
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