Hillary iand her collaborators in the press determined that this would be a good angle from which to smear Trump.
Big mistake.
The birther issue was something Hillary Clinton developed to try and discredit Hussein Obama Way Back in 2008. Everybody knows and remembers it.
So what trump did, brilliantly, was resharpen Hillary’s original wedge issue against Obama and drove it between her and Black Democrats again... unexpectedly.
It was her sycophantic employee Blumenthal who first spread the rumors about Obama’s birth and nationality. The Clintons did it to destroy Obama.
Trump settled this several years ago by obtaining a birth certificate by force even though the one obtained appears to be falsified it does close the issue for now. And it did back then as well.
Hilary has exposed herself again. Trump just rubbed her nose in it in front of the national press which was collaborating with her .
It’s actually just too damn funny to explain
What incredible liars they are!
And they actually did it to themselves
But Mr. Trump, do you really BELIEVE that or are you just saying it? Would you be willing to submit to a polygraph test?