Posted on 09/16/2016 11:05:18 AM PDT by Bubba Gump Shrimp
The article link worked for me now and it’s Hillary-arious!
Note to Hillarious...
Honey, Trump just agreed with you, why you freaking out?
Definitely going mental, it couldn’t happen to a more
deserving inmate.
well, I”m home now, so the generally 5 hour trip took about 8 hours (with lunch), lol
but it was a fun trip!
I’d like to smack shep right in the kisser
“To state the obvious, Trump is getting to Hillary right now.”
That’s his forte isn’t it? He’s finally gotten inside her head. That’s how he crushes his opponents.
Drudge now has the story of a Clinton Campaign Aide ADMITTING it was her staff that started it.
And this......
James Asher @jimasher · 16h16 hours ago Maryland, USA
#CNN says #Hillary team in 2008 never raised #birther issue. #SidBlumenthal, long-time #HRC buddy, told me in person #Obama born in #Kenya
Trump handed them the rope this morning. Now the chair it tipped over and they are dangling on their last breath...
I’m sure what he realizes is noNE of the corruption thats been going on for the last 8 years will ever have a chance to be addressed until someone can get in there and clean house in the justice department.
LOL! Stealing that one too!
2016 US elections
Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson, Green Party candidate Jill Stein miss polling threshold for inclusion in 1st presidential debate, commission says - Politico
I just cant get enough of this story! TRUMP you magnificent Bastard!-)
Trumps campaign hyped up change on birther issue. And now that TV networks carrying it live, weve had 20 mins of veterans endorsing Trump Jeremy Diamond (@JDiamond1) September 16, 2016
We got played, again, by the Trump campaign. John King just now on CNN. Matt Viser (@mviser) September 16, 2016
And my Personal Favorite!-)
This is a fking disgrace Glenn Thrush (@GlennThrush) September 16, 2016
LOL! Must be talking about Shepard Smith.
Hillary better hope Trump doesn’t have proof beyond some of the U-tube videos or she is toast.
Ive had just enough insider info to know that Obama was either not born here or not born Barack Obama.
I've been studying this issue a long time, and from the information that i've seen so far, there is a plausible chance that Obama was born in Canada, and that Grandma Dunham filled out the paperwork back in Hawaii to get him a birth certificate.
Of course he could have also been born in Hawaii, but if he was, why all the fuss trying to prevent people from seeing any proof of it?
-The press is outright lying here. The Birther movement was started by the 2008 Clinton campaign. That is well documented fact.
-Phillip Berg, Esq., Clinton operative from PA launched the initial inquiry into the origins of BHO.
Clinton investigators could NOT find ZEROs school records, birth records, work records, Illinois application to practice law, drivers licenses, passports, or any other paperwork to collaborate his life story and his origin. Recall that BHO laughed about the Clinton minions digging into his past and mocked Hillary during one of their formal debates.
Thus Bill Clintons remark, on Hussein, His life is the biggest fairy tale thats ever been told! and much later, when questioned on Hussein, Slick said, Anyone whose... Constitutionally qualified,... should be able to run for potus.
It was the Clinton investigators who revealed the school record from Indonesia with the name Barry Soetoro listed on the registration forms.
It was the Clinton investigators who uncovered and released the photograph of Hussein in white traditional muslim garb with his so called relatives from Africa.
The Clintons have always known he is a fraud and were unable to uncover enough evidence to destroy him. Lots of scrubbing during those years and HillBill were several years too late in their exploration.
Husseins Middle Eastern backers were able to out-buy the Clinton DNC machine. Once Hussein made his 2006 trip to Damascus he was all but guaranteed the presidency.
He met with the Arab heads of state and they promised to triple whatever campaign monies Clinton (or anyone else) would be able to raise. This allowed him to pay thousands of people nationwide to run his campaign. Hillary never stood a chance against him. No one did.
- In reality, those of us freepers who are a bit older remember that the Klown HIMSELF claimed he was born in Kenya. There used to be a video of him as a state senator asked why he does not run for president and from his own mouth he claims he was born in Kenya.
The fly leaf cover of his first book, first edition claims he was born in Kenya. His grandmother in Kenya claimed on a video interview she was at the birth. There are a couple of good reasons to question his sudden, new claim to having been born in Hawaii.
- If they ask Trump in the debate “So do you still think Obama wasn’t born in this country? “ , he should answer “No, but the thing that still puzzles me is that a few weeks before the last election, I offered Obama 50 million dollars - to be donated to his favorite charity- if he would release his college records - application form and such. He declined. I am sure there would have been many charities of Obamas choosing that would have welcomed that money. But he declined.What does that tell you.?”
I am sure a majority of voters have never heard about that offer
Hey! Take it easy on Shep ‘cuz he wears the best eye shadow on FOX.
The rolling out of the Congressional Black Caucus was coordinated in advance. They had their talking points scripted to push their case that Trump is a racist. They have this strategy to use Trump’s questions about Obama’s eligibility as a sign that he is racist. However, Trump can question this Democrat game by asking how the Birther issue was racist. The Democrats tried to play it against McCain and were set to play it against Cruz. How is the question racist with the question has been played with numerous others? The Democrats and their media minions have painted themselves in a corner
The birther movement was started in 1991 by Obama’s book publisher when they printed a pamphlet which said Obama was “born in Kenya.”
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