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Adie's Syndrome: A Possible Explanation for Hillary Clinton's Cough
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry ^ | March, 1998 | J Kimber

Posted on 09/05/2016 11:44:37 PM PDT by nikos1121

I'm not trying to construct a crazy hypothetical, but I can't examine Hillary Clinton, so here's one possible explanation for her cough. Holmes-Adie Syndrome. It also falls in line with the neurologist who apparently shines a flash light for her, when she's walking. I contend that the problems Hillary is having might be from her inability to see when she is in bright light, in addition to a neurological problem affecting her physical mobility--two of the features seen in Adie's Syndrome.


Adie syndrome is a rare neurological disorder that usually affects the pupil of one eye or occasionally both eyes. Usually, the pupil constricts in the presence of bright light, or when focusing on nearby objects. The pupil usually dilates in light that is dim or in darkness, when focusing on far away objects, or when a person becomes excited. In Adie syndrome, these usual reactions to darkness and light do not happen.

In the majority of people with Adie syndrome, the affected pupil is larger than usual all the time and does not constrict very much or at all in response to light stimulation. The person's pupil constricts slowly when focusing on objects close to view. In some people with the syndrome; however, the opposite is true - the pupil stays smaller than usual all the time. Most people with Adie syndrome have poor or absent reflexes as well.

I've looked at several photos of Hillary's Eyes, and the pupils are equal, but you would have to shine a light on each and then look for the response to rule out an Adi pupil.

Pupils appear equal in this photo. Don't know when it was taken.

Here's one of several scientific articles on a condition, commonly called Adie's Syndrome. (See: for additional). The article presents five cases, that involve a chronic dry cough that is unaffected by treatment. The cough is worsened by public speaking and associated with photophobia. Read the article and the cases presented and judge for yourself.

The Holmes-Adie syndrome consists of unilateral or bilateral tonic pupils with near light dissociation and tendon areflexia. It is associated with autonomic disturbances affecting sudomotor and vasomotor function. Five such patients are reported on who also had a troublesome chronic dry cough, which was of unknown aetiology and was resistant to a range of treatments. The cough may be related to involvement of afferent or efferent pathways in the vagus. Chronic cough may be an accompaniment in the Holmes-Adie syndrome, like other forms of autonomic dysfunction.

The Holmes-Adie syndrome1 2 (tonic pupil, near-light dissociation, and tendon areflexia) has been associated with a range of autonomic disturbance that includes orthostatic hypotension,3 impairment of cardiovascular reflexes,4 5 segmental6 and generalised hypohydrosis (Ross’s syndrome),7 carotid gustatory syndrome,8 and chronic diarrhoea.9 Limited histological studies in this condition indicate loss of ganglion cells in the parasympathetic ciliary ganglia10 which correlates with the pupillary abnormalities. Degeneration of the dorsal root ganglia or the fasciculus gracilis and cuneatus may explain the absent tendon reflexes.11 Autonomic dysfunction has been variously ascribed to lesions of both afferent and efferent sympathetic and parasympathetic neurones.

Although Holmes-Adie syndrome is considered to be benign and of unknown aetiology, troublesome symptoms may result from autonomic dysfunction; these include hyperhydrosis, heat intolerance, and syncope. We report a further feature in five patients with Holmes-Adie syndrome in whom there was a persistent dry cough, of unknown aetiology.


The patients are described individually. None had a history of exposure to irritant chemicals or impairment of exercise tolerance. All had bouts of paroxysmal dry coughing during the day, with lesser frequency at night. Cough was not provoked by lying flat. None was taking angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, and all underwent detailed cardiovascular autonomic function tests with thermoregulatory sweat testing12 (table 1). Pulmonary function testing and other investigations to determine possible causes for their cough are shown in table 2. In all the chest radiograph was normal. Thorax CT was questionably abnormal in patient 4, with peribronchial shadowing in the right upper zone that may have represented localised bronchiectasis, but bronchoscopy was normal. There were no features of gastro-oesophageal reflux and all were treated with H2antagonists with no benefit. In the three who underwent cine-video fluoroscopy, there was no evidence of laryngeal aspiration. In three, capsaicin challenge indicated increased cough sensitivity. Laboratory testing to exclude secondary causes of autonomic dysfunction included glucose, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, serum electrophoresis, autoantibody screen, treponemal serology, and brain MRI, and the results were normal in each case. Where Holmes-Adie syndrome was not previously documented, patients also underwent pupillography and EMG (to show absent or reduced H waves) to confirm further the diagnosis.


Patient 1 was a 39 year old white man, a non-smoker, who had been investigated when aged 21 for anisocoria and a tonic right pupil that was unresponsive to light. When aged 35 he developed hyperhydrosis affecting the right arm and trunk; a right cervical sympathectomy was performed with only minimal improvement. He then developed symptoms of postural hypotension and was bothered by frequent paroxysms of coughing that resulted in syncope on several occasions. There was no history of lung disease.

Examination indicated a dilated right pupil with near-light dissociation. Other cranial nerves were normal. Tendon reflexes were absent bilaterally. Sweating was marked in the right axilla. There were no respiratory system abnormalities. Cardiovascular autonomic testing suggested an afferent baroreceptor lesion. Paroxysmal coughing during head up tilt resulted in a fall in blood pressure from 151/99 to 98/70 mm Hg, inducing presyncope. He was treated with a high salt intake and fludrocortisone to improve orthostatic tolerance. Probanthine (15 mg thrice daily) and clonidine (25 mg thrice daily) were used to reduce hyperhydrosis but were stopped due to a dry mouth. Investigation of cough (table 1) indicated no identifiable aetiology. The cough was refractory to therapeutic trials of inhaled, nasal, and oral steroids, lignocaine spray and nebuliser, local anaesthetic lozenges, and oral H2 antagonists. The patient is currently on proprietary antitussive agents (containing morphine, capsiacin, and ipecachuana).

 Patient 2 was a 58 year old white woman, who had stopped smoking 15 years previously. When 51, she noticed inequality of pupils. Two years later she developed asymmetric facial sweating and paroxysmal coughing attacks, particularly while eating and during prolonged talking. She had occasional dyspnoea but no wheezing and on investigation was diagnosed as having late onset asthma. Although bronchodilator treatment improved the dyspnoea it did not prevent coughing. She had been hypertensive and noted that treatment with an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor exacerbated her cough and the drug was withdrawn. Examination confirmed a left tonic pupil with near light dissociation, hemifacial anhydrosis, and tendon areflexia. Cardiovascular and respiratory examination was unremarkable. Cardiovascular autonomic testing showed minor abnormalities. Investigations for cough indicated mild reversible airway obstruction. Treatment with inhaled bronchodilators and steroids (salbutamol, salmeterol, beclomethasone) produced a partial reduction in coughing. Oral H1 (loratadine) and H2 antagonists (ranitidine) and nasal steroids (fluticasone and beclomethasone drops) produced no further benefit. The patient noted that coughing, especially during public speaking, was markedly reduced after taking lomotil (diphenoxylate hydrochloride and atropine sulphate); inhaled ipratropium bromide (40 μg four times a day) has been initiated with moderate benefit.

Patient 3 was a 59 year old white woman, a non-smoker with a 20 year history of postural dizziness. Previous investigation at the age of 40 had documented bilateral tonic pupils in association with tendon areflexia. Subsequently she developed facial anhydrosis and a chronic dry cough. Examination confirmed small irregular pupils with near light dissociation and tendon areflexia with no other CNS abnormality. Cardiovascular and respiratory systems were unremarkable. Cardiovascular autonomic testing indicated baroreceptor dysfunction (orthostatic hypotension, blocked blood pressure response to Valsalva’s manoeuvre, and exaggerated pressor responses). Investigations for cough identified no obvious aetiology. Treatment with proprietary antitussive drugs resulted in some improvement of symptoms.

Patient 4 was a 31 year old woman, a non-smoker of mixed (white-AfroCaribbean) origin. On presentation at the age of 26 she had a 2 year history of posture induced syncope together with paroxysmal throbbing headaches and epistaxis provoked by prolonged recumbency. She had had mild asthma since childhood and used a salbutamol inhaler intermittently. Examination indicated a right tonic pupil with near light dissociation. Tendon reflexes in the lower limbs were reduced. There were no other neurological abnormalities. Cardiovascular and respiratory examination was normal. Cardiovascular autonomic testing confirmed orthostatic hypotension and pressor stimuli raised blood pressure at times to 250/120 mm Hg suggesting impaired baroreceptor afferent activity. Methyldopa (250 mg twice daily) reduced the paroxysmal hypertensive episodes. A prominent symptom was persistent dry coughing that was refractory to increasing bronchodilator treatment and this was investigated further (table 2). Treatment with inhaled and nasal steroids (fluticasone inhaler (200 μg twice daily); fluticasone nasal spray (50 μg/nostril daily)) partially improved her cough. Oral H1 (chlorpheniramine) and H2 antagonists (ranitidine) were of no further benefit. She continued to have an unremitting dry cough.

Patient 5 was a 66 year white woman who was a non-smoker. She had presented 12 years previously with a troublesome dry cough. She had also noticed a unilateral dilated pupil and began having episodic diarrhoea up to 12 times daily. Panendoscopy plus large bowel biopsies failed to identify a cause. She then also noted truncal hyperhydrosis and postural dizziness. She had dry eyes and hypostomia with no history of joint or skin inflammation and no reduction in exercise tolerance. Further serological investigation indicated positive anti-Ro antibodies, suggesting primary Sjögren’s syndrome. Examination showed near light dissociation of the right pupil and tendon areflexia. Truncal sweating was prominent bilaterally. There were no other abnormalities. Cardiovascular autonomic function tests indicated no abnormalities and investigation of her cough identified no obvious cause. She had been treated with numerous courses of antibiotics for presumed upper respiratory tract infections and with antirhinitis treatment and cough suppressants containing opiates without effect. Proprietary antitussive agents containing capsaicin are currently being assessed.


Chronic cough is a common symptom and may be caused by various stimuli which range from neoplasms, inflammatory lung disease, and postnasal drip to increased cough sensitivity resulting from respiratory tract infections, asthma, gastro-oesophageal reflux, and drugs such as angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors.13Despite extensive investigation, a proportion of patients have no diagnostic reason to explain their cough. Our findings suggest that the Holmes-Adie syndrome may be a disorder associated with a chronic dry cough.

All our patients had typical ocular findings and tendon areflexia indicative of Holmes-Adie syndrome. They also had associated autonomic impairment, either cardiovascular or sudomotor, and this combination presumably reflects the interests of the referral units. All were investigated in detail for autonomic dysfunction and also for a cause for their coughing. Coughing was provoked in each patient by deep breathing or hyperventilation during autonomic testing, suggestive of increased cough reflex sensitivity. This was formally tested in three. All were investigated for asthma. One patient had had mild asthma as a child and another was a probable late onset asthmatic; asthma may cause chronic cough and increased cough sensitivity, but there was no relation between coughing and indices of airflow limitation and furthermore the cough did not respond to effective asthma treatment. Treatment with H2 antagonists for occult gastro-oesophageal reflux, and H1 antagonists and topical steroids for rhinitis, were of no benefit.

Consideration of the cough reflex pathways enables speculation on the mechanism of cough in these patients. Afferent pathways carry stimuli from receptors in the trachea, larynx, and larger bronchi to the dorsal medulla via the vagus nerve. The motor (efferent) reflex arc innervates the muscles of the larynx, diaphragm, and chest wall. Efferent pathways for bronchiolar smooth muscle and mucosal glands are also vagal in origin. In Holmes-Adie syndrome, cardiovascular4 5 14and tendon reflex abnormalities suggest an impairment of the afferent reflex arc. This alone is an unlikely explanation as in animals with neuropathy induced by acrylamide(affecting vagal myelinated afferent fibres), and in diabetic patients with peripheral autonomic neuropathy, the cough response to mechanical stimulation15 and citric acid is diminished.16 Whether impaired afferent activity resulted in a relative increase in vagal efferent traffic cannot be discounted.

An increased sensitivity of airway cough receptors is a possible explanation as cough reflex sensitivity using capsaicin challenge was increased in each of the three patients tested. This may have been due to changes in the local environment of sensory nerves in the airway, particularly bradykinin and prostaglandin production17 as has been noted in cough induced by angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor .13 In the three patients who underwent cine-video fluoroscopic examination of swallowing, there were minor abnormalities of coordination that may have provided an abnormal stimulus for coughing; there was, however, no clear association with swallowing or eating except in patient 2, and in none was there evidence of laryngeal aspiration.

One patient responded to an oral and later an inhaled anticholinergic agent and the mechanism may have been through reduced vagally stimulated (muscarinic) effects on bronchial secretions. In patients with refractory epilepsy fitted with vagal nerve stimulators, a proportion experienced coughing corresponding to the stimulator “on” period.18 A therapeutic trial of anticholinergic agents, as in patient 2, may help to determine the vagal efferent component to the cough.

There is uncertainty about the CNS component of the cough reflex. In Holmes-Adie syndrome there is no known evidence of a clear central abnormality, and although it cannot be discounted or tested this seems less likely.

Although chronic cough is a common symptom, detailed investigation in each of our patients with Holmes-Adie syndrome showed no obvious aetiology for their cough; in four out of five patients the coughing seemed temporally related to the onset of other autonomic features. In Holmes-Adie syndrome the autonomic features affecting cardiovascular and sudomotor function favour a patchy involvement, with resultant exaggerated activity, such as increased pressor responses in some and compensatory hyperhidrosis in others. Whether a similar process affects the autonomic control of the respiratory tract and involves the pathways involved in the cough reflex in such patients can only be speculated on at this stage. However, in all five patients, chronic cough produced appreciable morbidity. We conclude that these findings indicate yet another troublesome symptom, the mechanism of which needs to be further elucidated, to add to abnormalities of the somatic and autonomic nervous system previously described in the Holmes-Adie syndrome.

References 1.↵ Adie W J (1932) Tonic pupils and absent tendon reflexes. A benign disorder sui generis: its complete and incomplete forms. Brain 55:98–113. [FREE Full text] 2.↵ Holmes G (1931) Partial iridoplegia associated with symptoms of other diseases of the nervous system. Trans Opthal Soc UK 51:209. Google Scholar 3.↵ Croll W, Duthie R, MacWilliam J (1935) Postural hypotension: a report of a case. Lancet i:194–198. Google Scholar 4.↵ Bacon P, Smith S (1993) Cardiovascular and sweating function in patients with Holmes-Adie syndrome. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 56:1096–1102. [Abstract/FREE Full text] 5.↵ Johnston R, McLellan D, Love D (1971) Orthostatic hypotension and the Holmes-Adie syndrome: a study of two patients with afferent baroreceptor block. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 34:562–570. [Abstract/FREE Full text] 6.↵ Lucy D, Allen M, Van Thompson H (1967) Holmes-Adie syndrome with segmental hypohydrosis. Neurology 17:763–769. Google Scholar 7.↵ Ross A (1958) Progressive selective sudomotor degeneration. A case with coexisting Adie’s syndrome. Neurology 8:809–817. Google Scholar 8.↵ Shibaski H, Tomi H (1990) Carotid gustatory syndrome in a patient with Holmes-Adie syndrome. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 53:359. Google Scholar 9.↵ Burns R, Wing L (1980) Adie’s syndrome (tonic pupil and areflexia). Sweating disturbances and diarrhoea—a new syndrome? Clin Exp Neurol 17:243. Google Scholar 10.↵ Harriman D, Garland H (1968) The pathology of Adies syndrome. Brain 91:401–418. [FREE Full text] 11.↵

Smith S (1992) Pupil function tests and disorders. in Autonomic failure, a textbook of clinical disorders of the autonomic system. eds Bannister R, Mathias CJ (Oxford University Press, Oxford), 3rd ed. pp 421–441. Google Scholar 12.↵

Mathias CJ, Bannister R (1992) Investigation of autonomic disorders. in Autonomic failure. A textbook of clinical disorders of the autonomic system. eds Bannister R, Mathias CJ (Oxford University Press, Oxford), 3rd ed. pp 255–290. Google Scholar 13.↵ Fuller R, Choudry N (1987) Increased cough reflex associated with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor cough. BMJ 295:1025–1026. Google Scholar 14.↵ Hope-Ross M, Buchanan T, Archer D, et al. (1990) Autonomic function in Holmes-Adie syndrome. Eye 4:607–612. Google Scholar 15.↵ Hersch M, McCleod J, Sullivan C (1989) Abnormal cough reflex in canine acrylamide neuropathy. Ann Neurol 26:738–745. [CrossRef][Medline]Google Scholar 16.↵ Vianna L, Gilbey S, Barnes N, et al. (1988) Cough threshold to citric acid in diabetic patients with and without autonomic neuropathy. Thorax 43:569–571. [Abstract/FREE Full text] 17.↵

Fuller R (1995) Cough. in Respiratory medicine. eds Brewis R, Corrin B, Geddes D, et al. (Saunders, London), 2nd ed. pp 238–242. Google Scholar 18.↵ Ramsey E, Uthman B, Augustinsson L, et al. (1994) Vagus nerve stimulation for treatment of partial seizures: 2. Safety, side effects and tolerability. Epilepsia 35:627–626.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: cough; elections; hillary; hillaryshealth; unfittoserve
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To: nuconvert
Okay, please look at the video posted here:

You can see the Afro American handler, whom we're told is a neurologist, but I personally don't know that to be true.


Secondly, Clinton is wearing Fresnel Prism Lenses. Why?

REad this:

Dr. Daniel Kassicieh, D.O., a dual board certified osteopathic neurologist and a leading headache specialist who directs the Florida Headache and Movement Disorder Center in Sarasota, Florida, agreed that the diagnosis of Clinton’s double vision and the prescription of a Fresnel prism lens would require consultation with a medical specialist.

“I saw Hillary Clinton first wearing the eyeglasses with the Fresnel prisms when she testified to Congress on Benghazi in January 2013, and she continued to wear them a while,” Kassicieh told WND at the time. “Then I saw her again this week in Las Vegas wearing those black eyeglasses with the Fresnel prism lenses, and I wondered when her double vision came back, or if it never really went away.”


61 posted on 09/06/2016 6:18:30 AM PDT by nikos1121 (Here's how I'm going to beat you. I'm going to out work you. That's all there is to it. -Pat Summitt)
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To: nikos1121
I zoomed up to 300% on Chrome and those pupils are definitely unequal. Puts a whole gaggle of possibilities in the differential diagnosis. She needs a fresh complete head to toe independent workup at Mayo Clinic.
62 posted on 09/06/2016 6:43:12 AM PDT by Art in Idaho (Conservatism is the only Hope for Western Civilization.)
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To: Cowgirl of Justice

Agree 100%.

Great analogy.

63 posted on 09/06/2016 7:05:03 AM PDT by Jane Long (Go Trump, go! Make America Safe Again :)
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To: nikos1121

That cough is supposedly a side effect of one of those stroke medications.

64 posted on 09/06/2016 7:22:49 AM PDT by Georgia Girl 2 (The only purpose of a pistol is to fight your way back to the rifle you should never have dropped)
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To: nikos1121

Mine go unequal maybe once a month. It’s TERRIFYING but it’s just a symptom of brain injury or nervous system damage and not dangerous in and of itself.

She’s in bad shape though. I look FINE and I get exhausted after an 8 hour shift or a day out. Your mind can’t handle what it did before.

Whereas a little noise while concentrating before was no big deal, it is now YUGE.

And she’s MUCH MUCH worse than me, after 10 years of healing and the grace of God to let me live and enjoy things still and SEE TRUMP WIN!!!!

She has central nervous system damage, I think. And I think it’s bad. I could be very wrong. Only going by what I have and the similarities X 100!!!

65 posted on 09/06/2016 7:23:17 AM PDT by dp0622 (The only thing an upper crust conservative hates more than a liberal is a middle class conservative)
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To: nikos1121

I saw congestive heart failure on FR and it explains coughing fits, weakness, tripping (swollen ankles/legs) weight gain & coumadin

66 posted on 09/06/2016 7:26:17 AM PDT by Kenny
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To: nikos1121

Heat Intolerence is also a symptom. There is no way she could wear those heavy clothes in summer if she was suffering heat intolerance.

67 posted on 09/06/2016 7:28:08 AM PDT by gulf1609
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To: nikos1121
Clinton is well over 100lbs in normal weight. I agree with you, that she is hiding something in those pants suits. I don’t think she has CHF as I’ve never seen her short of breath, but some kind of venous insufficiency involving the legs?

I definitely concede to your superior knowledge and observations. Even if she were in the early stages of CHF with her symptoms being hidden by the use of various drug therapies... this most likely would not be a life threatening situation for probably a few more years. She just would just typically be on supplemental oxygen much of the time and having difficulty in the evening getting a enough rest.

Her typical reaction is is to hide everything from the public. and possibly this example will help bring this point home. Her inability to be forthright may be more important to the public than the actual chances of her collapsing into a pool of quivering coughing goo.

68 posted on 09/06/2016 7:39:27 AM PDT by fireman15 (The USA will be toast if the Democrats are able to take the Presidency in 2016)
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To: nikos1121

Yup, that was the med!

69 posted on 09/06/2016 8:04:28 AM PDT by ozaukeemom (If we continue to divide, they will conquer!)
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To: nikos1121; LucyT; Jane Long
Adie's Syndrome is a definite possibility. Thanks for bringing it up.

Google search: unequal pupil size differential diagnosis May not be an issue, but deserves followup.

70 posted on 09/06/2016 8:04:41 AM PDT by Art in Idaho (Conservatism is the only Hope for Western Civilization.)
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To: maggief

The eyes don’t track; one turns in further than the other.

71 posted on 09/06/2016 8:19:15 AM PDT by WildHighlander57 ((WildHighlander57, returning after lurking since 2000)
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To: Bobalu; maggief

Thanks, bobalu for the close-up.

Maggief, this is what I was talking about; one eye straight ahead and other one turns in.

72 posted on 09/06/2016 8:22:43 AM PDT by WildHighlander57 ((WildHighlander57, returning after lurking since 2000)
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To: nikos1121

This doctor goes back ten years through different issues on the public record including the coughing and say’s they’re all indications that hillary has Alzheimer’s disease.

Most people who die of Alzheimer’s disease die because their food or water goes down the wrong pipe to the lungs and they get pneumonia. but long before they die —they still suffer from coughing as phlegm and what not goes down the wrong tube.

73 posted on 09/06/2016 9:40:59 AM PDT by ckilmer (q e)
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To: nikos1121
Lets look for a simple answer.

A patient has a stroke. It may have been caused by trauma from a fall either accidentally or self induce from impairment. Maybe a blood clot.

The patent’s husband says it was severe and took 6 months to recover. She had to wear special glasses for double vision.

Some of the things that happen when you have a stoke are seizures and cough. We have video with chronic cough and also seizures when she is under pressure. One way of treating this is steroids. You may gain weight and suffer fatigue on these drugs. You might get mouth ulcers.

You might have seizures under pressure and be incapacitated but you could explain it by a faux bathroom problem. You can also develop psychosis on steroids. If you were psychotic before the steroids were given I doubt that your mental state would improve.

You continue to have seizures on steroids. Your “friends” and family advise you to get a job with many responsibilities since you were paupers after your husband's fiascos.

In order to appear normal you hire someone with credentials like a neurologist from Howard University. One of the treatments for seizures is Valium. It is best given IV but this may causes questions. A neat injectable pen similar to to Epipen (that one one can afford because of greed) exists. Any fool can use it. The well paid neurologist offers to carry it providing you make him Surgeon General at your first opportunity. He also offers a 10% discount on treatment of your husbands STD. Even though continuing might be considered dangerous to yourself and others you go on though the rain. You were never very bright; You had trouble with all kinds of tests.

Although this is fiction it sounds like a movie based on true events.

74 posted on 09/06/2016 9:55:24 AM PDT by urodoc (1)
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To: nikos1121

This is very interesting. Thanks for the ping.

75 posted on 09/06/2016 9:55:25 AM PDT by trisham (Zen is not easy. It takes effort to attain nothingness. And then what do you have? Bupkis.)
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To: urodoc

I agree with you on everything except the pen. The man is carrying a flashlight. It helps her when she walking. I think she has vision problems. Clearly, we are all in the dark on the lady’s health. Your analysis begs for someone to prove you wrong. Everyone tries to go after the messenger.

I think you give a reasonable assessment. She needs to prove you and me wrong.

The lady is dishonest and hides the truth. This is factual.

76 posted on 09/06/2016 10:02:42 AM PDT by nikos1121 (Here's how I'm going to beat you. I'm going to out work you. That's all there is to it. -Pat Summitt)
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To: Kenny

Her heart failure would be secondary to something like atrial fibrillation. Not a real good sign here. Also, the use of diuretics causing her to go to the bathroom frequently while limiting her time on her feet. How is she going to debate on stage?

77 posted on 09/06/2016 10:05:45 AM PDT by nikos1121 (Here's how I'm going to beat you. I'm going to out work you. That's all there is to it. -Pat Summitt)
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To: nikos1121

My hypothesis: The body deteriorates in the absence of the soul. For Hillary, it’s been quite a few years - if she ever had one.

78 posted on 09/06/2016 10:35:51 AM PDT by Pollster1 (Somebody who agrees with me 80% of the time is a friend and ally, not a 20% traitor. - Ronald Reagan)
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To: Pollster1

What is this nonsense she keeps feeding the press that Trump wants out of Nato, supports and trusts Putin, inviting the Russians to hack our emails etc?

She is playing to the most ignorant constituency of all times.

79 posted on 09/06/2016 11:10:18 AM PDT by nikos1121 (Here's how I'm going to beat you. I'm going to out work you. That's all there is to it. -Pat Summitt)
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To: nikos1121
She is playing to the most ignorant constituency of all times.

Who else would vote for Hillary? Unfortunately, there are a lot of ignorant voters.

80 posted on 09/06/2016 12:39:41 PM PDT by Pollster1 (Somebody who agrees with me 80% of the time is a friend and ally, not a 20% traitor. - Ronald Reagan)
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