Posted on 09/04/2016 8:39:07 AM PDT by Nachum
Obese people will be routinely refused operations across the NHS, health service bosses have warned, after one authority said it would limit procedures on an unprecedented scale. Hospital leaders in North Yorkshire said that patients with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or above as well as smokers will be barred from most surgery for up to a year amid increasingly desperate measures to plug a funding black hole. The restrictions will apply to standard hip and knee operations. The decision, described by the Royal College of Surgeons as the most severe the modern NHS has ever seen, led
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Fat is the new snowflake.
That weight discrimination already happens here in the states, but not on a large scale; no pun intended.
Dwindling resources and return on investment.
Why would they ever have to operate on some one who does not get fat or smoke?
There would be nothing wrong with them.
I believe Lawers are going to lose first place in the liars club.
Nice, but queers that vector infectious disease and receive genital mutilation surgery and steroids for life must have top priority.
Slavitt has promised that between now and January 20 he will impose massive new regulations on the Health Care sector.
Who is Slavitt? The single person who controls more of the US economy and American people than anyone else right now. He is the rule maker in CMS over Obamacare, Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP, hospital and doctor regulation and most importantly ... the re-distribution of the healthcare dollar.
Regulations already imposed in August switch the payment system from Fee For Service (A provider gets paid for service perfoRmed) to VBP. Under VBP the provider is rewarded for choosing patients who have healthy lifestyles and the provider is penalized for providing service to patients with unhealthy lifestyles.
Of course, providers with unhealthy lifestyles are Democrats. So then additional regulations will turn VBP into rube=goldberg complexity of counter-balancing interests in equality of distribution.
I’ve often wondered about these excessively fat people and their joints. It’s just gotta be hard on all of their body, on the order of strapping a 100 pound-plus cement block to their body.
Seriously, tie a common cement block to your front and back, sit down and try to get up, let alone walk out the front door, down the steps, to the mail box and back. Why would anyone want to put themselves through obesity?
Walmart is a good example, some little 90 year old lady inching along in her walker, and getting almost run over by some fat slob racing along in one of those electric cars Walmart has. Or some fat slob taking up a handicap parking spot so he does not have to walk very far.
Morbidly obese people should not be allowed to use electric carts.
but... I thought the left told us that rationing and death panels were far right scare tactics!
That weight discrimination already happens here in the states, but not on a large scale; no pun intended.
It’s a huge problem.
Hospital leaders in North Yorkshire said that patients with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or above as well as smokers will be barred from most surgery for up to a year amid increasingly desperate measures to plug a funding black hole. The restrictions will apply to standard hip and knee operations.
A black hole is correct, but is it OK to say that?
99% of the people I see using them are just fat.
I honestly can’t even remember the last time I saw an OLD person use one of those.
Rep. Tim Walz, D-Minn., “They just didnt understand how we could save money on this by adding more people to the system, how it was going to impact them in terms of their premiums and their access to care.”
Can't you see a warning light up on the steering wheel indicating "OVERLOAD'?
Most self-respecting people who may have mobility problems will avoid using those carts as far as possible, so as not to be associated with the freaks who do.
57% of Black females in the USA are OBESE, not over weight.
“When they come, they’ll eat the fat ones first.”
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