I haven’t listened to more than 7 consecutive minutes of Rush for about 10 years.
I don’t think Rush has done 7 consecutive minutes in the last 10 years. I would turn his show on in the car during lunch sometimes and every time it went from the ABC news report to commercial to maybe 5 minutes of discussion before seguing into a Lifelock or Simplisafe pitch then a few more minutes of commercials before he comes back for less than two minutes to announce he has to take another “obscene profit timeout.” And that is if you get lucky and the show time isn’t used marketing his “Two if by Tea” or “Rush Revere” sidelines. The only thing obscene is that I might get 7 minutes of actual discussion for 20 minutes of listening.
Rush who? Haven’t listened to him since the 80s. He was all about MEEEEEEE! way back then.