They must not have gotten the DNC talking points yet. They will have a different story to whitewash this by tomorrow.
I’m getting the feeling that she’s going to drop out. Kinda makes me nervous cause I don’t think there is any way she can win, therefore a Trump landslide. I would worry more if doofus Joe got in.
Or, they know that they are named in a Wikileaks document and want to get out ahead of it.
My bet is that the networks want to sprinkle in a few negative stories on Hitlery and a few positive ones on Trump just to hedge their bets in case Trump wins. Then they will trot those stories out as examples of “balanced” reporting. It would be mighty uncomfortable for someone who is all in for Hitlery and lies to cover for her and lies to slander Trump if he gets elected. They are just hedging their bets.