Remember in 2009, the power failure in Kentucky during the winter? Tens of thousands of people were without heat, and had to seek shelter in schools, etc.. I believe about 150 people froze to death. 0bama said nothing, neither did he go there. The media gave him a pass on that as well. I’m guessing it’s because Kentucky and Louisiana are pretty reliable republican states.
And he thinks Louisiana is a dem state and Hilly should assume the role of cater in chief.
To me Trump is showing he cares regardless of red or blue.
Remember in 2009, the power failure in Kentucky during the winter? Tens of thousands of people were without heat, and had to seek shelter in schools, etc.. I believe about 150 people froze to death. 0bama said nothing, neither did he go there. The media gave him a pass on that as well. Im guessing its because Kentucky and Louisiana are pretty reliable republican states.
“I believe about 150 people froze to death.”
Where on earth did you get that figure?