I wrote this last November. Folks can send the links to their German or French contacts. There is almost no freedom of speech left in Europe, but we can still send links.
Tet, Take Two: Islams 2016 European Offensive
Loffensive islamique en Europe: un Têt numéro 2?
Tet, Klappe Zwei: Die europäische Offensive des Islam im Jahr 2016
islam is a totalitarian death cult founded by a child rapist.
Freedom of speech is still mostly allowed here.
There should be a similar link for Catholics....a group Hillary is trying to court through naming Kaine as her VP running mate. A catholic in name only.
But, Catholics need to know that Clinton wants thousands upon thousands of these people allowed into our country, they need to be reminded that these islamists have a special hatred for Catholicism, and they need a reminder that the atheist alliance in the democrat/socialist party hates all things religious.
A self preservation haiku:
Facebook is censored by Zuckerberg but people can go back to their email lists to reach people by going “underground”.
It is a brilliant essay that should be read by all. I am sending it to all I know.
I hope that you continue to post the link to the essays in all relevant threads. We need to spread the word.
Very dark days lie ahead for Western civilization.
Bookmark for later reading.