Ted Cruz did not respect the voice and vote of the Republican base. Right now there is no substitution for victory in this battle for freedom. Cruz spoke a lot about freedom. So did the base in their voice and their vote. Now was the time to forward a victory when we are now, rhetorically, seeing the whites of their eyes. It is not the time to not respect our choice and our vote, it was time to give spirit and to rally that voice and vote.
For some reason, Cruz forgot to put that voice and vote into the realization of freedom as with so many historical examples in the past. It is sad. I feel sad for Cruz for not doing what he needed and should of done. Now I will go on, and continue to do what I can for freedom as just one brother, or sister, among the others, just one among many. Cruz should have as well. Trump is the nominee, not Rafael Cruz. The majority chose someone who has never been a politician. Never have I been more proud to have a chance to vote for Trump as our next President of the United States.
Can this get any weirder?
I quit listening to Glenn Beck when he began attacking Trump.
I've got to listen today.