Jimmy Carter “Wear a sweater”....................
Obama: Check your tire pressure.
Jimmy Carter: Drive 55 (to save fuel)
Remember Sheryl Crow’s one square of TP to wipe with comment?
All this “conservationism” is for your own good, of course.
Little piggies, now don’t be fighting as you step up to the trough. Just take enough and back away, make room for the next little piggy.
It is not in the nature of piggies to share equitably. So somebody is going to have to stand up next to the trough and give the little piggy who grabs too much, a fetch upside the head with a White-elm club.
Piggies consider this a challenge, and the next course of the meal could just be the bearer of the club. There would be plenty to go around for a while.
People have been known to have been eaten by swine. Don’t stumble in front of them when they are a little hungry.
While they fly their fat a**es around on private jets and have several mansions. Yeah, sure. What complete criminal losers. The only “climate change” I desire is to have them not on earth. They are significant morons.