Needs an executive summary.
People won’t read all of this. The Trump organization should know better.
Like it is, it looks like something from Alex Jones. Correct but like a rant of a right wing loon.
Is it ok to give these people a minute?
You also have time. Pitch in, and stop thinking your only role is to just critique how you think they should be doing everything.
Plus she is a criminal being protected by the regime from indictment!!
Good point.
Maybe it’s not intended for those wanting an executive summary.
It’s the dossier of crimes and failings disqualifying her; let others expand, focus, or summarize as they see fit.
Needs to be used piece by piece in debates with RATs. They left out the for profit iniversity that paid Bill $14 m and got money from State.
I respectfully must state that your assertions will prove to be, in my humble opinion, quite the opposite. We, meaning the right, will be looking for all the ammo we can collect. She must be defeated in an immense capacity.
Your points, in the post I replied to and later ones are good, but I would point out that the individual charges against her are highlighted in red so that it’s easy for someone who just wants the summary to glance through them, and for someone who wants more detail to read the paragraphs below the highlighted charges.
Short form: Hillary is a liar and corrupt. She used her position as SoS to give special deals to foreign countries and companies who gave her money.
Hillary Clinton is a crook. Hillary Clinton is incompetent.
That work?
IMO, its not meant for people to read per se, rather it is meant as support material for the things he has said and will say. I think the idea is that by providing the source material, providing the breadcrumbs for talking heads to follow, that it won’t be so easy for people to jump in front of a camera and claim Trump is lying or making it up. They will be put in the spot of having to claim that the sources are wrong. It should help to redirect the focus of the talking heads away from the theme “Trump lies” and towards “the media was wrong”, with the added benefit of pitting the media against each other. It is easy to say “Trump is lying”, much harder to say “The NY Times is lying” especially knowing how insular and incestuous the media is. It is hard for them to criticize each other.
And it makes it much harder to ignore the claim as well. Many people in the media suffer from cognitive dissonance. But put piles of evidence in front of them, eventually (hopefully) their state of denial will break down. Some things just cannot be defended, but they can be ignored. Trump is sounding the alarm that he will not ignore them, and the media will be put on the spot of having to face the evidence. It also has one more potential benefit - Trump can claim he decided to run because the American people need new leadership, people who are not associated with all this corruption and folly and idiotic policies that have wreaked havoc on the economy, foreign relations, social decay etc.