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Obama's CVE Program Is an Outrage -- and the Republicans Are Funding It
The Rush Limbaugh Show ^ | 16 June 2016 | Rush Limbaugh

Posted on 06/16/2016 11:16:27 AM PDT by COBOL2Java


RUSH: If there's anything approaching on today's program a... I kind of hate to use the word "bombshell," but this is close.

If you are wondering, "Okay, how does a guy named Omar Siddiqui Mateen, with his family history and other things obviously clear, able to be learned about...? How does he pass a background check?" Well, we have to thank the Obama administration for that. I have a series of stories here that are gonna boggle your the mind. The first is from the French News Agency. The headline: "Threats Against Muslims Must Stop After Orlando Attack: US Authorities." Threats against Muslims must stop now.

"US authorities on Wednesday warned that threats against Muslims would not be tolerated, and possibly prosecuted, after alleged incidents in the wake of the Orlando gay club massacre, which was carried out by a Muslim gunman. ... 'Civil rights violations are a priority for the FBI,' assistant special agent Ron Hopper told reporters. 'We will investigate reported incidents against individuals based upon any class, any protected class, to include race, religion, and sexual orientation.'"

So the focus of the United States government, the FBI right now is trying to find people who might be threatening or saying negative things about Muslims, targeting them, finding them, and exploring ways to punish them. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Have you heard about the Obama counterterrorism strategy called Countering Violent Extremism? It's actually... That's what it's called: CVE. Have you heard of that? Well, let me tell you about it.

Because the Republican leadership in the House is preparing now to meet Obama's request for $40 million of additional funding for the Countering Violent Extremism program. The FBI is trying to investigate these terror threats, and you just heard that threats against Muslims must stop, and FBI says, "We're vigilant! We're looking out for this." Are you also looking out for threats against America by Muslims? Well, we presume so, but no. You would be wrong. We're not allowed to! That's what the CVE is. You're not gonna believe this.

The FBI is trying to investigate terrorist threats but is hamstrung by this Countering Violent Extremism program. The name, Countering Violent Extremism, was carefully chosen in order to suggest that there is no particular ideology causing the threat. "Countering Violent Extremism" could require investigators to focus on extremist right-wingers -- and, in fact, does. "Countering Violent Extremism" is carefully chosen in order to suggest that no particular ideology is causing the threat. Any kind of "extremism" (such as in right-wing groups) that could lead to violence, will be investigated.

The theory behind Countering Violent Extremism -- the theory of the strategy -- is that, number one, Muslim communities have uniformly rejected terrorism so we don't need to investigate them. We don't need to, because they're a religion of peace. Remember now, you think it's a joke, but Obama and the Democrats, when they say, "Terrorism has nothing to do with Islam; it's a bastardization; Islam is a religion of peace. All these people out there, ISIS, ISIL, claiming to do what they're doing for Islam? They are not Islamists! They are extremists; they are not Muslim."

The acting belief, philosophy, policy of the United States government is Muslim communities have uniformly rejected terrorism; therefore, they don't need to be monitored or investigated. Number two. Instead of aggressively collecting intelligence with radical Islamic communities and suspects who could cause a threat, the FBI... Are you sitting down? The FBI is required to partner with "Muslim community leaders," who are essentially members of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The FBI, according to the Countering Violent Extremism initiative, should partner with Muslim community leaders like the Muslim Brotherhood, who will serve as our eyes and ears to let us know if there's a problem. So the FBI cannot monitor -- by virtue of this program, law, whatever, we cannot monitor -- Muslim communities. We are not supposed to! We are to rely on Muslim community leaders within those communities to tell the FBI if there's something we need to be worried about.

Now, when you see this, all of this focus on Christians and all this focus on the NRA and all this focus on other extremist groups kind of makes sense. I mean, it doesn't make sense. But the fact that Mateen's a Muslim? "No, no! No, no! He couldn't have been because Islam's a religion of peace. They don't do this." That's Obama's story, and he's sticking with it, and since it's Obama's story, it's the story of the federal government. It's the story of our investigative agencies. The FBI is reportedly highly frustrated over this.

They cannot, day in and day out... There are exceptions, obviously. But day in and day out, they cannot investigate Muslim neighborhoods, communities, mosques. They have to rely on "outreach to Muslim community leaders" in those mosques and neighborhoods to tell them if there's something going on in there that they need to be worried about. And that's why it's called Countering Violent Extremism, not Countering Violent Islamic Terrorism, for example. "Islamic" and "Muslim" is specifically left out of the title. Now, this is insane, folks.

Not only is it commonsenseless; it's insane. It's tying both hands behind our back, and we see the result. You wonder how this gets equates gun, how does this guy pass a background check? Hello, Countering Violent Extremism! We're not allowed to find out. We cannot use anything... "Okay, we've got a guy. We can find out what his put on the internet. We can find he's predisposed to violence. He's not happy with America. His father was an Islamist sympathizer." Can't use any of that!

We can't use it, because we're not allowed to Hoover up that kind of information unless Muslim outreach partners inform us. So when a guy goes to get a gun, he passes our background checks, and that's it! You wonder how? This is how. This is why things like Orlando happen. We're not allowed, by virtue of Obama's legislation... Well, it is legislation, because this is the icing on the cake. It's about to run out of money. I mean, the FBI's trying to investigate, but they are limited by these guidelines -- Countering Violent Extremism -- that do not allow them.

Here's the bottom line or the upshot of this: Countering Violent Extremism does not permit the FBI to factor radical beliefs when determining whether there's a criminal threat. We're not allowed to go there. We're not... Call it a variation of profiling. Not allowed. But this is not profiling; this is hard, cold evidence we are to ignore it. We're not allowed to use it because of Countering Violent Extremism limitations on investigating Muslim communities. So why is Paul Ryan pushing to fund this program an additional $40 million in the next budget?


RUSH: Look, there is much more on this CVE and the related items. I have a short amount of time left in this segment, so I'm gonna wait until the segment following the next break commences to get into more detail on it. And you can continue to digest it. And it's inexplicable. It's in utter defiance of common sense. It's so outrageous, I'm sure many people don't believe it. "Rush, that can't be true. You're either having fun with us or you're just wrong. It can't be true." Folks, it's true and there's more.

It's even worse than what you've heard so far.

The practical application of CVE and its implications just have some more earth-shattering details to share with you.


RUSH: Okay. Look. In addition to this Countering Violent Extremism, tell you what's coming up. We've got the CIA director. He admitted... He just totally pulled the rug out from under Obama yesterday, admits that ISIS is coming into the country via refugees. They're coming in, sneaking in via the immigration program. He said that ISIS is bigger than ever, cutting... Obama said, "We've got them on the run. They're in smaller numbers than they've been in 7-1/2 years." John Brennan just painted an entirely different picture what Obama said yesterday.

The difference is, nobody's gonna hear what Brennan said because he was in congressional testimony on C-SPAN, maybe a couple news networks for 20 minutes, and Obama had a national address that everybody in the Drive-Bys covered. So nobody's gonna hear Brennan. They're gonna hear us talking about Brennan and they're gonna think, "Well, Limbaugh and the conservatives, they don't like Obama so they're probably making it up." So you can't get through to people 'cause they can't critically think anymore.

People don't know the difference between fact and opinion. And I'm getting off the beaten path. I want to stick with this, because so many people say, "Why can't we stop these people?" We're not permitted to, because the administration has implemented policies that tell our investigators -- like the FBI -- things they have to ignore. And it's all part of the Countering Violent Extremism initiative. I'll take you back to San Bernardino. One of the mass murderers in that attack was named Tashfeen Malik.

Some of this, I'm sure, you're gonna remember as I go through it. "San Bernardino mass-murderer Tashfeen Malik wrote social-media posts," like on Twitter, Facebook and wherever else, "that endorsed jihad and expressed disdain for America. Yet, that did not cause US immigration agents to question her admission into our country... In fact, our government consciously avoided learning about Malik’s Islamist rants," because they were required to by law. They're not allowed to go there!

Writing at National Review, Andrew McCarthy says, "Commentators stunned by this dereliction are attributing it to 'secret' guidance issued by the Department of Homeland Security." Folks, again, I want to tell you: This is not my opinion. This is not anybody's opinion. This is fact. It's the same thing with Mateen here. They had to ignore. The background check people on the guns, whatever this guy had written on social media, hatred for America -- go, go ISIS! -- jihad. We're not allowed to even investigate it! If it was discovered, we had to forget it.

Our agents had to forget it. They were not permitted to because of Obama's policy, Countering Violent Extremism. I'm not making this up. I mean, it puts a new light on what Trump said, you know, there may be something going on with Obama here. None of this is making sense, and it doesn't make sense. When it was learned in the aftermath of San Bernardino that one of the killers had practically telegraphed her intention all over social media and that investigators ignored it, people said: Well, you know, must be some secret guidance issued by Homeland Security, 'cause nobody's this stupid.

Well, "there is nothing secret about it. The instruction to refrain from scrutinizing social-media commentary," which is a huge source of intelligence! You got people all over this country vomiting everything about themselves because they want to be famous. They want to be noticed. Social media is all about, "Notice me! Notice me! I matter. I'm important." So people put everything about themselves on social media -- and some of them put the most outrageous stuff -- hoping to get noticed. They crave followers. And these clowns are no different.

And yet our investigators are under orders to ignore all of that.

"The instruction to refrain from scrutinizing social-media commentary ... is a straightforward application of what passes for the official Obama administration 'anti'-terrorism strategy, known as 'Countering Violent Extremism.' Malik, a native Pakistani, who immigrated to the United States in July after living for a time in Saudi Arabia," as did Mateen, "joined her husband, Syed Rizwan Farook, in [killing] 14 people in San Bernardino, California... Government officials now concede that Malik was inadequately screened before being permitted to relocate to the United States on a K-1 visa, issued because she was the fiancee of Farook, an American citizen.

"The couple married soon after her immigration. Malik's visa approval was already the stuff of scandal even before the latest revelations -- especially in light of President Obama's plan to admit thousands of immigrants from Syria and other bastions of Islamic supremacism, which inevitably breeds violent jihadism. Right after the massacre, it emerged that Malik had provided government screeners with a fake Pakistani address. She may also have been educated in a notoriously anti-Western madrassa. Neither fact was discovered during the vetting process," because the investigators are not allowed to pay attention to it.

And if they see it they are required to ignore it because they are not allowed to factor it in. You're saying, "This doesn't makes sense, Rush." It doesn't! I know! But remember the original point I made about the CVE. FBI investigators admit they're frustrated. They cannot themselves investigate Muslim communities because Islam is a religion of peace. Muslim communities are thought to already have no violence in them. This is straight from Obama, straight from the Regime. The only way the FBI can learn of potential problems coming out of a Muslim community is if their partners -- community outreach specialists within that Muslim community -- inform them.

Well, it turns out that the people the FBI interact with happen to be Muslim Brotherhood or CAIR or other such representatives. That's the only way the FBI can learn officially what's going on. They're not allowed to do it! I know this doesn't... Folks, I can imagine you're saying, "Rush, this doesn't make sense. You have to have something wrong here." I know you're thinking that. Even though you trust me implicitly -- even though after 28 years, 27, whatever it is, you know instincts I don't lie or make things up -- you still can't believe this. This doesn't make sense.

I'm telling you, there's not a syllable, there's not a consonant, there's not a vowel of exaggeration in this. The reason why this has all come up is because the CVE is about out of money. It needs an infusion, and the Republicans are prepared to send Obama another $40 million to keep it going. And people are asking, "Why? Why?" The thing is, what happened in the case of the San Bernardino Two and what happened in the case of Mateen whatever, these are not glitches. These are not examples of our system not working.

These are examples of the system doing what it was designed to do: Ignore certain inarguable signs of who we're dealing it, under the premise that Islamic is a religion of peace and that there is no terrorism. These people claiming they're conducting terrorist acts in the name of Islam are not Islamic, not Muslims. That's Obama! That's apparently his belief, and therefore the official belief US government. A Power Line story today. I think this is John Hindraker. I'm not sure, but headline: "How Not to Counter Domestic Terrorism --

"Sources tell me that Speaker Paul Ryan is pushing this week to fund the Department of Homeland Security's 'Countering Violent Extremism' (CVE) program to the tune of $40 million. If you didn't know anything about this program, it might seem like a good idea for Ryan to get CVE funded in the wake of the Orlando massacre. ... You can tell from the name of the program that it's misguided," and it's designed to mislead. Countering Violent Extremism? You mean...? Why don't you just...? This is why the whole business of labels is important.

Obama, why won't you say militant Islamic terrorism, extremist Islamic terrorism? Why won't you say it? Precisely 'cause of this! It doesn't exist, in his world. Countering Violent Extremism imagines movies being shot up by wacko members of the Tea Party. Of course, the things they imagine right wingers doing doesn't happen, don't happen. "'Violent extremism' didn't produce the Orlando shootings..." Now, wait. Now, wait. See, this is important. You're thinking, "Rush, now, come on." No, no, no. "'Violent extremism' didn't produce the Orlando shootings..."

Violent extremism did not cause the San Bernardino massacre.

Islamic terrorism did it. Islamic militant whatever you want to call it. Militant Islamic extremism, militant Islamic terrorism, Islamic extremist terrorists, that's who is responsible for Orlando and San Bernardino, not "violent extremism." Violent extremism is specifically meant -- the way it's worded and structured by this administration -- to omit Islam. And, in fact, that's the practical application. Muslim communities are ignored as investigators try to find the answers to violent extremism. Well, you can't find the answer when you not allowed to go look at the cause. The cause is Islamist terrorism.


TOPICS: Editorial; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: cve; dhs; doj; extremism; fbi; georgeselim; hopper; isis; islam; jihad; mateen; obamacve; orlando; orlandoterrorattack; paulryan; ronhopper; rush; rushtranscript; ryan; terrorism; touchstone
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To: Brian Griffin

“Maybe divorce settlements shouldn’t be testimony dependent.”

They’re not. She gets the elevator; he gets the shaft.

She gets believed; he gets shamed, and often jailed.

I have not personally been affected by it, but stripping a man of a God-given right on the basis of accusations by an interested party stinks to high Heaven.

21 posted on 06/16/2016 12:47:25 PM PDT by dsc (Any attempt to move a government to the left is a crime against humanity.)
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To: COBOL2Java

Barack Hussein Obama IS a MUSLIM.
As such, a LIE is acceptable - to him - but not to the
God (Yahweh) that I know.

I’m almost 70. When in high school; we did not even know
what a “Muslim” was. We got an exchange student from Turkey
& were told she was a Muslim & they called “God” Allah.
I hope she got a clue later in life that their “God” is a
false moon god.

22 posted on 06/16/2016 1:19:58 PM PDT by Twinkie (John 3:16)
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To: Twinkie

The repubs are traitors to their electorate and to their oath of office. Why do they hate Free America and Free Americans?

23 posted on 06/16/2016 1:43:42 PM PDT by hal ogen (First Amendment or Reeducation Camp?.)
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To: COBOL2Java

This current debate regarding “Radical Islam” is a misdirection. Why? What we are experiencing is not “Radical Islam”, but rather everyday “normal Islam!” Normal Islam is a religious political totalitarian machine of conquest and submission. If we allow ourselves to create a false dichotomy between good Islam and bad Islam, we end up defending Islam itself! Question: Were the normal NAZIs good and the radical NAZIs bad? Were the normal Kamikazes good and the radical Kamikazes bad? Obama, or the demon behind Obama, is brilliant. To be able to lead thinking people down this path is diabolical.

24 posted on 06/16/2016 2:50:38 PM PDT by Jan_Sobieski (Sanctification)
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To: Jan_Sobieski
This current debate regarding “Radical Islam” is a misdirection. Why? What we are experiencing is not “Radical Islam”, but rather everyday “normal Islam!” Normal Islam is a religious political totalitarian machine of conquest and submission. If we allow ourselves to create a false dichotomy between good Islam and bad Islam, we end up defending Islam itself! Question: Were the normal NAZIs good and the radical NAZIs bad? Were the normal Kamikazes good and the radical Kamikazes bad? Obama, or the demon behind Obama, is brilliant. To be able to lead thinking people down this path is diabolical.
But, but, but Islam is a "religion of peace"! George Bush said so!

Do I need a sarc tag?

25 posted on 06/16/2016 3:28:13 PM PDT by COBOL2Java (Donald Trump, warts and all, is not a public enemy. The Golems in the GOP are stasis and apathy)
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To: COBOL2Java

I rarely listen to Hannity but today he interviewed a woman whom escaped Islam (someone correct me if I misstep here as I heard about 5 mins); she said a perfect example of taqiyya is the following:

* a terrorist attack occurs
* a Muzlim then says it is a religion of peace

Therefore, for anyone including dear leader, who says such, to me, likely is a muzlim and is using taqiyya.

Anyone left who thinks 0bama isn’t?

26 posted on 06/16/2016 3:58:08 PM PDT by CincyRichieRich (Still binary in all the right ways.)
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To: Jan_Sobieski

This current debate regarding “Radical Islam” is a misdirection. Why? What we are experiencing is not “Radical Islam”, but rather everyday “normal Islam!”
Milo said this in his speech.

Milo at Orlando Shooting Site (Milo Yiannopoulos - video)

27 posted on 06/16/2016 4:58:53 PM PDT by Whenifhow
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To: COBOL2Java; Old Sarge; aragorn; AZ .44 MAG; Art in Idaho; Candor7; easternsky; EnigmaticAnomaly; ...


[The] Obama counterterrorism strategy [is] called Countering Violent Extremism or CVE...
……The FBI is trying to investigate these terror threats, and you just heard that threats against Muslims must stop, and FBI says, “We’re vigilant! We’re looking out for this.” Are you also looking out for threats against America by Muslims? Well, we presume so, but no. You would be wrong. We’re not allowed to! That’s what the CVE is. You’re not gonna believe this……
….The FBI is trying to investigate terrorist threats but is hamstrung by this Countering Violent Extremism program…..

4:10 min mark on video
….The theory behind Countering Violent Extremism — the theory of the strategy — is that, number one, Muslim communities have uniformly rejected terrorism so we don’t need to investigate them. We don’t need to, because they’re a religion of peace….
….The acting belief, philosophy, policy of the United States government is Muslim communities have uniformly rejected terrorism; therefore, they don’t need to be monitored or investigated. Number two. Instead of aggressively collecting intelligence with radical Islamic communities and suspects who could cause a threat, the FBI... Are you sitting down? The FBI is required to partner with “Muslim community leaders,” who are essentially members of the Muslim Brotherhood…..

….The FBI, according to the Countering Violent Extremism initiative, should partner with Muslim community leaders like the Muslim Brotherhood, who will serve as our eyes and ears to let us know if there’s a problem. So the FBI cannot monitor — by virtue of this program, law, whatever, we cannot monitor — Muslim communities…..

6:38 Min mark
….The FBI is reportedly highly frustrated over this…….

….. they cannot investigate Muslim neighborhoods, communities, mosques. They have to rely on “outreach to Muslim community leaders” in those mosques and neighborhoods to tell them if there’s something going on in there that they need to be worried about. And that’s why it’s called Countering Violent Extremism, not Countering Violent Islamic Terrorism, for example. “Islamic” and “Muslim” is specifically left out of the title. Now, this is insane, folks.....

….”Sources tell me that Speaker Paul Ryan is pushing this week to fund the Department of Homeland Security’s ‘Countering Violent Extremism’ (CVE) program to the tune of $40 million…

BOMBSHELL! LIMBAUGH: We Have To Thank Obama For Omar Mateen Passing Background Check

28 posted on 06/16/2016 5:13:32 PM PDT by Whenifhow
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To: Whenifhow

I wonder who told Ryan to shave his Muslim beard.

29 posted on 06/16/2016 5:18:09 PM PDT by COBOL2Java (Donald Trump, warts and all, is not a public enemy. The Golems in the GOP are stasis and apathy)
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To: Whenifhow; COBOL2Java; All

Thanks for the ping. Uniparty members are giving our hard-earned money to it. We are their debt slaves.

Land of the thieves…

…home of the slaves.

The Gang of 535 should be in federal prison along with former gang members Barack and Hillary.

30 posted on 06/16/2016 7:31:05 PM PDT by PGalt
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To: COBOL2Java
From an earlier thread posted at FR:

Wallace Bruschweiler was interviewed by Aileen Milton. . .

31 posted on 06/17/2016 2:47:29 PM PDT by wtd
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