We’ll know the tide of immorality has turned when social conservatives stop participating in it through support of government power and violence - whether that’s in attempting to impose religious doctrine on others, supporting wars that have no substantial connection to national security, pursuing the war on drugs, or supporting the destruction of liberty in the name of security.
With such a record, today’s social conservatives are in no position to moralize to anyone - they’re just practicing a different but no less serious form of immorality. However, if they rediscover the importance of the virtue of humility and do some introspection of their own behavior with the aim to correct the evils therein - specifically the addiction to violence - then perhaps the sea change we are all hoping for will have the opportunity to come about.
Nobody is going to be perfect — however serious reverence of a God who wants us to love one another as the chiefest thing on His agenda behind loving Him, will move us towards the better.
Wars can be just; however they won’t be just if they are unwisely prosecuted. To just “fight” an enemy without some idea of an end game, risks you becoming like that enemy.