All those part time cheap labor jobs are doing is subsidizing folks who are living off handouts. Why should they be subsidized with that money? It means they're living better on the dole than off of it. They already get too much.
You have a point in that the cycle will be:
More people out of a job/living on handouts = Demand for more revenue for the Federal Government = Higher taxes on the people still working at Wendy’s (including senior management who made this call).
It’s a tangled web of unintended consequences.
Fast food joints cannot afford to pay their employees a lot — because their customers are expecting a dirt cheap, quality, meal.
BTW, I worked in fast food, my wife too, and we gained some valuable life experiences.... but both of us were kids.
earn a living wage ($12/hour ....Is that a living wage for a person who lives at his parent’s house and takes a bus (or less likely walks) to work or is a living wage for someone who rents an apartment (or God forbid pays a mortgage)has children and needs a vehicle to fullfill his obligations? I’m cornfused. Is this Socialism writ large?