For a woman or girl in a sexually difficult environment or for one who has been sexually abused, not having privacy when having to use a public rest room could be devastating. What about girls and women who go to the rest room to get away from a guy situation? What about monthly situations which for most women are as private and personal as it gets? What about girls and women with strict religious convictions for whom this is totally out of bounds? All of that goes beyond the obvious problem of pervs dressing up as women to abuse girls and women.
It's about erasing all individual identity, including sexual.
I don’t disagree with you at all. I don’t want to use a locker room or bathroom with a guy.
However - men dressed as women have been using the bathrooms for years. I’ve never heard of any problems. Maybe there have been some but not publicized.
I am sure that most women have shared a public bathroom with one of these guys. They probably didn’t know it. It’s not been a problem until the liberals and sex offenders decided to push the envelope.