Ryan needs to be demoted to PLO, Permanent Latrine Orderly. Hello........
Ryan is doing the bidding of his owners, The Cheap Labor Express.
Paul Ryan, in declaring that he cannot now support Trump, and imposing conditions to earn his support, has crawled out on a long limb.
Trump cannot capitulate. He has to saw it off.
Go Pat go. A keeper. Powerful article.
One after another. Pat clears the bases again!
Somebody needs to start chalking all over the capitol.
Go Pat!
I am predicting Trump will meet and do his best to let this little jack ass save face for the good victory ahead. I don’t like that but it is the “ ART OF THE DEAL” . Go Trump.
If the GOP adopted some of Pat’s platform in the 90s, lower immigration rates & better trade deals, they would have had a fifty years run....but globalism & cheap labor were more important, so here we are.
I never in my life agreed with Pat Buchanan, until this election season. Now the man is like the Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness, John the Baptist or something!
The GOP elite were stroking Ryan, telling him he’s going to be the nominee after the brokered convention. Since that is not going to happen, Ryan is having a hard time trying to come to terms with that.
If Trump actually keeps 3 or 4 of his promises he will do more for the conservative movement than a trainload of Paul Ryans have done.
Ryan and other campaign conservatives like him talk a great game when seeking our votes, then go to Washington and help democrats move the Obama agenda forward.
The real Joe Six-Pack conservative voters demonstrated who they support by the way they voted in the primary elections.
The vocal conservatives like Ryan who get press time for their statements of doubt about Trump are the same people who lied to us election after election to get themselves into office.
Thats the same Paul Ryan who campaigned and won election by making promises to conservatives then broke every one of them as soon as he took office.
* - Where is Ryan’s promised fight against Obamacare?
* - Where is the conservative budget Ryan promised?
* - Where are the promised conservative spending reductions?
* - Where are the promised cuts to deficit spending and reductions to the national debt?
I love cuddling with him on the porch glider..!
In millennial teen-talk....
Love it!
Buchanan has been writing some great stuff.
Ryan forgets that many of us voted for him and is very weak partner, Mittens Romney, while holding our collective noses. Ryan then turned on all of us rolling over on Obama’s budget deal and assurances that the failed ObamaCare plan would continue. He can at least plug one nostril and support Trump - its the least he can do for us.
These weak-tit politicians need more polish. About ten years’ worth, imnsho...
Anybody in the public eye who suddenly grows a full beard bears careful watching, IMO. No offense to bearded Freepers is intended.