“Its interesting that Sam Houston and Crockett agreed on this issue though Houston didnt fight Jackson on it. Houston loved the Indians and lived with them as a teen.”
This story is told in the book I mentioned..”Jesus Wept” - an American Story. The family I am supposed to be attached to, part of the Ridge Party bought land in Texas, Mt. Tabor. They purchased the land from Mexico, with their blessing, because NO Mexican wanted any part of it...too wild and difficult. When Texas formed, and the Cherokee made successful plantations, they fought the invading Mexicans for Houston from entering and destroying everything in sight.
When Texas became a state, Houston turned completely white man. Those Cherokee were NOT allowed to have mineral rights on their land. And that was one of the first places drilled for oil. The Cherokee got NOTHING.
Years later the broken headstone of John Bell Jr. was found in the bottom of an oil drum. Yes, they even destroyed the ‘CHRISTIAN’ cemetery.
A photo of that stone is on this page...Scroll down to photos.
Headstone of John Bell Jr. found in the bottom of an oil barrell c. 1930 near what was the community of Mount Tabor, Texas. He died in 1852.
The cemetery was destroyed by oil drillers.
Sorry to make you even sadder!
Where is Mt. Tabor, Texas? It’s not on any maps.