If you thought she was cr*ppy in that movie, you should see Elysium with her and Matt Damon. I can’t believe the awful stuff that comes out of the sodomite-controlled Hollywood today trying to normalize their pagan, immoral lifestyles. (Just ask Corey Feldman about all the pedophilia and drugging of all the children in Hollywood).
I am sure Jodie Foster was one of the warped, abuse children. Most were unless they were like Shirley Temple and had a mother who stuck to them like glue.
She is totally warped and hates not only God, but the design of herself-—her own body. Nihilism on steroids. She knows more than God and actually believes she is god and “love” is doing dehumanizing, irrational, vile acts on others-—like she learned by being abused as a child.
All behavior is learned and habituated. She was warped and destroyed in childhood and has never overcome the evil abuse so she is trying to normalize the male-hating Marxist ideology.
Sadly, I saw Elysium.. It was part of a triple feature at the movies. She can’t act or even get an accent straight. I don’t know how she became so famous as an actress.
The hatred of religion certain reflected in her version of “Contact”.