Well, San Bernadino was an example of how mozlems treat their "friends".
Most civilized humans don’t have any muslim friends.
Muslim “friends” tend to cut the head off of non-muslims, and muslims of the wrong sect.
Technically that may be true, as Hitler was Austrian, but he had lots of Muslim friends.
I actually expected it to happen in the U.S. first and it would have required whites to have a certain percentage of black friends. I never suspected Germany.
Stated another way: most Muslims don’t have any German friends.
Muslims form enclaves and create no-go zones for non-Muslims.
Exactly how is it the Germans fault Muslims keep to themselves and refuse to integrate with German society?
Soon, very soon, the Germans and the Muslims will embrace...
Most germans are smart.
Don’t ever expect them to assimilate. It is against their religion to befriend unbelievers.
Call me old fashioned, but mass rape and mass murder are kind of hard to relate to...
(Headline) That’s because most Muslims, at least of recent arrival times, are not here to assimilate and become Westerners. They are here to spawn, to stick to themselves (by free choice, unlike the Jews in prior centuries who were penned in by ghetto laws), and grow a caliphate. I feel bad for the fortunate few who end up “westernized,” but for now they are a minority.
It was a ‘designed-poll’ when you look at the way it was structured to go with a message.
If you’d taken out Muslim and inserted American....asking most Germans if they have an American friend....the vast majority (more than 70-percent) will say no. If you then ask about problems with America (Bush, Iraq War, Obama, Trump, etc), then most Germans utter negativity about Americans.
Same topic if you inserted ‘Russians’ or ‘Brits’ into the same poll, and same outcome.
Near the end of the German story, if you read the whole ‘bit’...they then get to two interesting slants on the story.
1. Most Muslims live in western German states (98-percent) and that explains why western states of Germany are multi-culty, and why old DDR states are not multi-culty.
2. The more educated you are in Germany....the more likely that you have Muslim friends, so education and intellectualism, help you focus on multi-culty....thus having a positive outlook on Islam.
It’s the type of research paper and poll that I’d expect from the Kremlin, but I realize that Germans news media sources are working hard for some agenda deal to work. Sadly, it’s a waste of effort.
Considering what they know now, that’s probably not going to change.
Muslims self segregate. Unless they are chasing women.
muslims are not to befriend the infidel, unless by taqiyya.
It’s really the other way around. The Koran tells Muslims not to make friends with non-Muslims. It’s the Muslims who are bigots here, not the Germans.
Nobody has muslim friends except other muslims.
Muslims don’t assimilate into any culture and they want you to convert.
That’s sweet: the Koran has language discouraging friendship with non-Muslims (which, thankfully, not all Muslims obey) and the onus is on non-Muslims for being leery of Muslims.
That’s sweet: the Koran has language discouraging friendship with non-Muslims (which, thankfully, not all Muslims obey) and the onus is on non-Muslims for being leery of Muslims.