You are looking at this through western eyes. Which in this case is insane. Putin, and the Russians, are not western. They still see war the way war should be. The absolute destruction of the enemy.
Are they recent immigrants to Europe? Kill them.
Do they have mosques that they attend? Kill every one who goes to the mosque.
Do they have copies of the Koran in their homes? Kill every person who can quote any part of the Koran.
Do they look Arabic? Kill every one who looks remotely Arabic (after all, they are not Russian so who really cares if they die?)
Do they wear any item of moslem garb (hijab etc)? kill them.
Are they on record as ever having attended a moslem school? Kill them.
Is there any record of them visiting a moslem country as more than just a very short term tourist? Kill them.
It is relatively simple for someone with a large enough army to eradicate moslems from any area. As long as they don't mind inflicting some collateral damage that is. And the Russians (as easily seen from Chechnya) don't mind collateral damage.
Sure the entire world will rise up and scream and stamp their feet at the "culticide" of the moslems, but not one country will so much as lift a finger to stop it. What could they really do short of nuclear war?
The main reason we (the west) have become incompetent at war is that we refuse to kill the enemy lest we hurt some collateral's feelings. Our leadership has been pussified. We've become too weak to nuke mecca and other places that desperately need it, why would we risk all out nuclear war against Russia?
The article asks how Europe would respond to a Russian invasion. That is simple to answer. They would roll over and start learning to speak Russian. Look at how Europe has responded to the moslem invasion.
Crappola.nuke that big black rock.
Nuke Tehran and put moosies on notice they will be next if they step out of line.
Like Teddy said,
Carry a big stick.
Instead of how our magic negro jive ass punk handles things
I wrote an article for a newspaper in Phoenix, AZ right after the attack in Beslan. I opined that Putin would maintain his power-base in Russia by doing exactly what you listed against the Chechen Islamists. Putin did exactly that and the mass of the Russian populace voted for him and kept him in power at every single instance.
That has always been the Russian answer to enemies both foreign and domestic. And they see the Islamists as their primary enemy.