Posted on 05/03/2016 9:40:41 AM PDT by Nachum
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The White Mosque ENCOURAGES Islamic terrorists
worldwide, especially those who murder Americans.
Look no further than USS Cole and Iran, and
the treasonous GOP that remained(s) submissive
to encourage this, every year, every week, every day.
Another Navy Seal died recently. No word from Obamatron.. but he was VERY quick for the statement after Prince died.
Please try to have some understanding of what President Osama is trying to accomplish.
The islamist-in-chief wants to get the prison population numbers low enough so that bringing them here will appear to be not that big a deal.
No surprise if he pardons and releases all of them before he leaves office, if ever.
The history books will not look kindly on an opposition party that did nothing.
Not only will those Islamic war criminals all be let free without any accountability by the American Imposter in the White House, but the American Imposter will be let go January 2017 after deliberately destroying this nation with no accountability, and will be a paid contributor on the nightly news continuing on with his destructive pursuits until death do we part.
The only way for peace in our time is the incarceration of, or the elimination of our enemies foreign, and domestic.
Where’s the ‘A’ Team when we need them?
“I hope Obama suffers and suffers one day.”
You are not alone in this. It always brings up the following conundrum:
A Jewish perspective:
A Christian perspective:
MY perspective:
-I hope the bum drops dead.
Evil does prosper look at Hillary and her daughter living in a 10 million Manhattan Condo. Also Hollywood is untouchable. All the money these untalented whores and pimps have yet they never get sick, never have car accidents, never are visited by ISIS. Look at all the events they have and no terror attacks. I can’t figure it out. And they hate our military.
Of course those on active duty can’t comment, unless like John Singlaub they want to get relieved.
Obama trades Taliban terrorists for a soldier who deserted and joined the Taliban, and not whis
They only prosper for a little while in the whole scheme of things.
There was a story here (many actually) about a nuclear device being set off in DC. Many of course say what is the down side? I would say what is the down side if one goes off in Hollyqueer?
What exactly do you think BO is trying to accomplish?
I do not know which I hate the most, Obama, or an Obama voter. After thinking it over, I will go an Obama voter because of the misery they inflicted on me.
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