What irks the power brokers the most is a candidate they cannot control, Trump is at the top of that list. That may be good, may be not so good, but it is a fact. The one thing they will fight against till the end is they do not want to lose the perception they have some control because it is through foisting that image they obtain their money and status.
A good case in point is that jerk George Will. Note how he completely switched allegiance when O Hula became president to the point of hosting a dinner for him and then extolling his virtues (needing a microscope to find them). He is still on TV, still writing his columns, still making dumbass commentary but he has the image of having access. Once that image goes, and it surely will if Trump wins, he will be an outsider and has been. This goes doubly for the lobbyists. The K street firms need to have that image, the one where they can get things done. If Trump wins, they will double down on their minions in the Congress and create a completely disorganized government i.e. the one that O hula supposedly has now albeit no one ever stands up to his ideas. With Trump look for it to happen in spades. While Trump like Reagan has the power to go to the people over the unaligned Congress, Reagan had some of the media on his side. Trump shares no such "help" from them. It is going to be a very stressful next four years if he wins IMO.