“Never say never.”
In this case, when it is Trump vs. Hillary, you have to consider the things that we KNOW he’ll do better than her:
1) National Defense & Foreign Policy
2) Immigration
3) Trade
4) Trying to get the budget under control
5) Treating veterans well
I think that there are many other things that he’ll do better, but if he ONLY does those, then it is insane to sit this out and let Hillary come to power. Keep in mind that Trump won’t be corrupt at all (he clearly doesn’t need to be, and would be stupid beyond belief to even try) and he has no tolerance for the Uber-Left and their PC nonsense - meaning that we have a very good shot at getting some fine Supreme Court justices vs. a GUARANTEE of all Uber-Leftists with Hillary.
I am a fan of being magnanimous in victory - and if those of us in Trump’s corner want the pro-Cruz forces to help us defeat Hillary, we need to avoid bashing them for not picking the winner. Haven’t we ALL been there at one point or another (or repeatedly)? Let’s be decent and welcome them aboard. Yes, even Kristol.
To a point. Bush Jr. was magnanimous and he got his butt kicked for it. VANQUISH them first, ie. clear them out of all positions of power. THEN maybe offer the olive branch.