Here’s why I stated the facts as I did on my end of the state.
In our families combined only 3 out of 15 have college degrees. The nephews and nieces through have fortunately changed the the mold. Several have college degrees from I U and colleges all over the US.
Can’t think of one without a job in either of our families. Private religious schools are usually full in my area along with homeschooling.
You can see differences in hoosiermama’s area and mine close to Louisville on the Ohio.
Huge difference between northern and southern areas of the state
I never will return to the north. Too industrial Most of the northern part of state were settle from the East.
This area down to the river settled from the south. We have just as many colleges with just as many smart people. And We could survive by living off the land. We’ve not turned our backs on our heritage The Cities of the north (that have grown taking over the furtile farmland) has replaced the farm -and closeness to the land promoting Christian values that once were predominant in the state.