For once he gets something right.
This is a state-level issue. The fedguv has no business poking its nose into this.
Nobody is saying he has to get the Feds involved in the issue. Just wanted to know where he stood. Isn’t he a leader? Aren’t they supposed to have opinions? And now I know. The POS is a yellow-bellied coward, who is obviously beholden to the degenerates that turned the country into such a sick, depraved sewer. Just like the vast majority in the GOP. Ryan fits right well there in the seat that hosted Denny Hastart and Nancy Pelosi. I’d like to spit in the bastard’s face.
Three, four years ago, any leader in their right mind would proudly and vocally state male perverts should not be allowed into women’s restrooms, locker-rooms, showers, and such. But nope, not in this depraved homo-America of 2016.
I agree, but I have a feeling that he used that because he was afraid of controversy if he revealed his beliefs on it. Our leaders are cowards. The Dems never back down.
So it’s OK for some states to go away from the “republican form of government” towards dystopian socialism, while others hold to it?
Would have been better if he hadn't said it that way - should have said it's not the Federal Government's place - he opted to not say that he is fine with the Feds crapping on the 10th....