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To: xzins; DoughtyOne
Individual, private, lockable, single occupant bathrooms are the way to go. In the space they have for huge facilities for both males and females, they could have 8 or 9 private restrooms at very little extra cost. The security would be better, the privacy better, and the lawsuits non-existent.

Exactly. In fact, it would be a pittance to increase the size of each stall/room to be just big enough to add individual wash-basins. The handicapped restrooms at the state beach park have this set-up; it's really the best way to go.

Problem solved. Next?

Let us all remember that Trump on day #1 will: (a) rescind every Obama executive order; (b) announce he will not enforce any provision of Obamacare, rendering it a dead letter statute until repealed within the month; (c) use existing budgetary allocations (perhaps from dept of edu - ha ha, you know, a "teachable moment" on the rule of law) to fund the initial stage of the wall; and (d) begin deportation procedures.

These artificial & contrived social gotchas are just another clever technique to keep the people divided. People are going to have to deal with Trump running left to attract the disenfranchised Bernie voters who will really be feeling the "burn" after they get screwed at the DNC convention.

As long as Trump holds true to the top 4 issues above, he is the right answer for at least 60% of the US population.

782 posted on 04/21/2016 11:33:11 AM PDT by semantic
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To: semantic; xzins; DoughtyOne
Why do I have a feeling the GOP establishment is using this as a shiny metal object to get the base worked up over an almost non-existent problem (is there a tranny bathroom crime wave I don't know about?) so they can be distracted and not think of border security and the trade deals?

You have a greater chance of being killed by an illegal alien than seeing a trans person in a public restroom. You have a greater chance your job is outsourced than seeing a trans person in a bathroom. I live in NYC - in Manhattan no less - and I have never seen one in a public bathroom.

786 posted on 04/21/2016 11:37:22 AM PDT by Trumpinator ("Are you Batman?" the boy asked. "I am Batman," Trump said.)
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To: semantic

He’s going to do a lot more than those top four also.

Trump will be like any other medicine. There will be side effects.

Those that think there wouldn’t be with others sure forget the last Republican J/A we had in there.

829 posted on 04/21/2016 1:00:32 PM PDT by DoughtyOne (Hey Ted, why are you taking one for the RNC/GOPe team, and not ours? Not that we don't know.)
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