Frankly, this is going to end up being a USSC issue and final decision (at least in our lifetimes). A President will not have much impact on it except to whether the Department of Justice chooses to act or how much it supports or condemns case contentions to come before the USSC.
I’ll tell you my worst fear. It’s the one where Ted Cruz continues with his convention 1st ballot denial strategy and goes full-bore amnesty to get the California Primary Hispanic vote that denies Trump his last pre-convention 1237 mark.
This, and other articles like it are just delaying and damaging forays meant to deny rather than advocate. It is not going to work.. But good luck with all that, anyway.
Trump said it.
He gets to live with it or totally retract it.
It will make all the difference in the world to me.
Black is not white. Up is not down.
Male is NOT female.
I simply won’t buy it.
The article wasn’t written out of whole cloth, the man said these things.
that’s ridiculous and you’re making excuses for trump who is clearly an unprincipled lib