To: NonValueAdded; xzins
A person can be fired for not believing a person with a penis should use the girl’s bathroom...and Donald is fine with that. Not too surprising for someone with NY values, I guess...
33 posted on
04/21/2016 7:01:50 AM PDT by
Mr Rogers
(We're a nation of infants, ruled by their emotion)
To: Mr Rogers
A person can be fired for not believing a person with a penis should use the girls bathroom...and Donald is fine with that. Not too surprising for someone with NY values, I guess...
Exactly. THIS kind of thing is what New York values is all about.
To: Mr Rogers
942 posted on
04/22/2016 7:05:55 AM PDT by
(any politician that won't keep his word to Veterans/Military won't keep them to You!) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson