Wonder if it’s the sex toy thingee, the NC bathrooms kerfluffle, or the Colorado Tar-Baby?
LOL!! Poetry! Those are enough games to corner the market.
>>> Wonder if its the sex toy thingee, the NC bathrooms kerfluffle, or the Colorado Tar-Baby?
After the ball got rolling with taking on Neil (S&L) Bush onto his finance team, and blaming Trump for the Chicago rioters, and having it revealed he supported TPA in committee only to vote against it (for cover) on the floor of the House.
But all that came after his New York values comment.
It’s gotta be the toy thingy. If I ever heard such an inane topic, that should be beneath a presidential debate, that was it. Whether it be the two headed thingy or having intercourse with rodents. My cat eats rodents. No time for amorous play. Martin is 13, and still has mousing skills.
Colorado Tar-Baby is the correct amswer
Be careful what you wish for. The media had a field day with the Colorado delegate selection process. Why? It appears Cruz and the local GOP followed the rules as they exist.
Could it be they think Trump will be the easier candidate to destroy in the general election?
I don’t have a horse in this race. Both Trump and Cruz are on my acceptable candidates list. My point is that when I find myself aligned with the mainstream media I become very nervous. The media is my primary enemy in America.