What I am saying is that the message (as I see it) of the ad is: "Look at how shameful Donald Trump is by marrying this woman!" And further, through inference, it says: "Look at how godly Ted Cruz is because his wife didn't pose nude!"
The pharisees were guilty of the same thing: pointing out the sinfulness in others while whitewashing their own.
Did not God say "There is no one without sin; no, not one"? He also had many things to say about men who are quick to cluck their tongues about others while giving the impression that they are somehow holier, more pious, or "more saved."
But what I am most certainly saying to you is that Ted and Heidi Cruz are no less desperately, wretchedly, and abominably sinful as Donald and Melania Trump are. Any man who says he is without sin is a liar and has no part of the kingdom of God.
I didn't say that. GOD did.
Furthermore, I think God is more than capable of getting hold of a man even at his moment of deepest sin and wretchedness. He did it with Saul on the Damascus Road. And I can tell you most assuredly that he did it with a dirty rotten sinner like me. So who are you to say that one man is holier than the other? That's God's turf and you're horning in on it.
Finally, based upon the actions and words of both Cruz and Trump, and the alignments of both men with entities who hate America and spit on the constitution and American conservatives, I am not all that convinced that Cruz is any less of a poser than Trump is.
The American public went through the Clinton years with his bad behavior and shouldn't have to go through having an immoral man like that in office again.
We are all sinners but I want to hold my leader to the same moral standards that I hold, that's all.