Trump has sunk this campaign to an unimaginable low.
And he is working hard to ensure a Hillary victory.
More and more people dislike him. Personally, I despise him.
He showed his total lack of understanding of foreign policy and had to slink back to his lair. What is he doing? Is he tweeting... he hasn’t been seen in days.
Here’s what Ted had to say. Very good points.
Truz said, Sadly, what Donald has done, when he gets scared, listen, particularly on foreign policy, Donald doesnt know. He doesnt understand these issues. One of the reasons he was so scared this week is this past week Donald called publicly for effectively withdrawing America from NATO. Now that is a catastrophically foolish proposition. Abandoning Europe, withdrawing from the most successful military alliance of modern times makes no sense at all.
If Donald were president, he actually did what he said he would do, withdraw from NATO. It would hand a massive victory to Putin, a massive victory to ISIS. ISIS would be dancing in the street at the weakness and isolation of Donald Trump.
Now the day after he calls for withdrawing from NATO, this Brussels terror attack occurs. Brussels, is of course, where NATO is head quartered, he continued. So his lack of understanding on foreign policy, his lack of ability and readiness to protect his country was evident.
So Donald did what he always he tried to find a way to change the subject. He hasnt campaigned for a week. Hes been hiding in Trump Tower. late at night he sends tweets attacking my wife, attacking Heidi. It is inappropriate, wrong and disgusting to see a candidate attacking the spouse of another.
And it is a sign of just how scared Donald is right now because he doesnt want to discuss the substance. Thats why hes afraid to debate, why he refuses to debate because when he debates, his lack of understanding of the challenge of facing America becomes evident for everyone to see.
Donald is scared. He has reason to be. And we have reason to be.
If we nominate this horrible person, we are handing the country to Hillary.
You will be anyway darlin’. Ted isn’t going to get the nomination either. If he did, he would lose.
People haven’t all at once started liking him except for the bimbi he fornycates with in closets and cloakrooms. And even they probably don’t like him.
Is that you Ted?
Personally, I think Cruz is a first rate bullshitter.
None of what you posted has any basis other than Teds special reality. what is the purpose of NATO today. It is time to question its utility as it’s not 1950. conditions have changed.
What are you going to do when/if the facts about Teds are validated over the next few weeks?
As far as I have read and know, Trump didn't do anything about these revelations. If you have something to substantiate his part in this, kindly give us a link.
Just because Cruz said it was Trump's doing doesn't mean it's true. I hope the so called scandal is not true, also that it's not a fake scandal drummed up by the Trump team, but why don't you wait a week before you make that kind of pronouncement. There is zero proof that Trump started this. Zero. There is more proof that it is a real scandal than Trump started the allegation.
Personally, I'm going to wait before wading in, I think that might be smart on your part as well.
And he is working hard to ensure a Hillary victory.
Of one thing I am certain, it isn't Trump who is desperate to head off a Cruz victory. It isn't Trump who has enlisted a bunch of GOPe heavyweights to take this to a brokered convention. It isn't Trump who is in bed with the Bush family, Glenn Beck, Mitt Romney, and the GOPe machine.
You might want to rethink what Cruz is doing enlisting with the very people he has claimed to be working against.
Talk about lying - Trump said our NATO partners have to pony up and pull their weight because we cannot afford to go it alone anymore. Second, NATO's key mission ended with the fall of the Soviet union. Now it is a bunch of cushie jobs in Europe. A NATO job is a great gig - don't work long hours, don't really have to get much done, good pay rates, free of income taxes [except I think if you are American], good housing subsidies, return travel to your host country for you and your family.
Trump is still the boss to tens of thousands of employees worldwide, something Cruz has no comprehension of. And one thing Trump doesn’t do is ‘hide in a tower’ - or behind a government paycheck. Trump was proved right on Belgium, proved right on NATO and proved right on the immigrants to Europe being a stage for ISIS. He has also proved right about Iran and North Korea. Cruz has copied Trump’s foreign policy more times than not, with the exception of a professed love for carpetbombing entire nations, which Trump is not for.
Cruz is starting to sound stalker-ish in his desperation for reporters to concentrate on something besides Rubio’s Revenge
“Now the day after he calls for withdrawing from NATO”
Trump has NEVER called for withdrawing from NATO
Male Bovine Fecal Effluvia.
Trump is home because his daughter is about to give birth to a baby (his grandchild).
Are you telling me that wanting to be present at the birth of a grandchild is equivalent to “hiding in Trump Tower??”
Man, you Cruzers are DESPERATE!!
You "despise" Trump and blatantly LIE about him,because you are blinded by your biases and refuse to see reality. Your gullibility makes you a fool. Your obdurate resistance to the truth makes you something even worse than just a fool.
Trump's daughter had her third baby today. Trump KNEW that this birth was imminent and stayed off the campaign trail to be with his family! Ted's LIES and false witness ab out Trump, proves that his supposed Christianity is a sham.