This is one of the most serious and consequential elections in American history and we get this crap.
After Jan 20,2017 one of these guys is going to have his finger on the button that can launch enough nukes to destroy the planet and I'm not sure I'd trust either with a one block paper route or a night shift gig at the local piggily-wiggly store at this point.
If either of these guys want to play with sewage they need to buy some knee boots and a hard hat and send their resume to the local treatment plant.
Seriously, a brokered convention and new, untainted third choice candidate is looking better and better all the time.
These guys need to man up, grow up, climb out of the gutter and act like a future president of the United States needs to act.
These guys need to man up, grow up, climb out of the gutter and act like a future president of the United States needs to act.
I reached the same conclusion last night!
Seriously, a brokered convention and new, untainted third choice candidate is looking better and better all the time
Fell for the GOPe ploy did ye?
You’ve got a good point there- we don’t need this crap!