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Trump alpha’d Cruz
Trump’s wife was the one attacked in public Einstein.
Sasse, the Harvard kid who sucks the government teat. Still working hard each day to keep his name in the news without actually having to do anything.
He just comments on others.
Total tool
What’s great about Ben Sasse is that he’s decided he no longer wants to be a senator. Good for him wanting to go back to the private sector to work.
SuperPacs are colluding with candidates.
Corn fed bozo, Sasse.
Hillary Supporter Sasse weighs in on the controversy
And Cruz started it, even if he had Liz do his dirty work for him. Cruz sanctioned the attack on Trump’s wife.
Cruz - the Eddie Haskell of 2016
“Lyin-Ted-Cruz 2016”
With five bimbos erupting, Cruz will regret his PAC having gone after Trumps wife, not that it was a nice thing to do anyway. Lyin’ Ted will have some ‘splainin’ to do, especially to Heidi. Unless she knows?
I don’t know how anyone with an IQ above 50 can watch this video and still say that Cruz would make a good president:
Unless of course you are wanting to have this country give up it’s soverignty like the countries of Europe have done with such disasterous results!
Trump did not actually attack Cruz’s Goldman Sachs wife - he does not even have to since her CFR connections are public.
When a PAC group started running negative ads about a Democrat running for the State House, I asked my friend, who was running against that candidate, what he could do about it. I told him the negative ads were contrary to his pledge that he would not run a negative campaign. He told me that he can’t even call the group and tell them to knock it off. I asked if I could call them and he said that is still against the rules of the state. They would charge that I was put up by the campaign to make the call.
The proper course would to publicly denounce the negative ads, call Trump explaining the situation and apologize for them.
Sasse’s a dildo.