You are dripping with envy. Cruz lost the nomination last night. Deal with it. It’s over for him. If you thought last night was embarrassing for Cruz, wait till next Tuesday.
sad part is that after those bad results for Cruz is that he now states he is OK with a contested convention.
24 hours earlier he said it would be bad and that is not what the voters want.
Cruz just changed like that and why these Cruz voters cannot now see he is desperate and a sleaze who will say and do anything.
Cruz won ID and only slipped 15 delegates to Trump.
Cruz has every reason to stay in the race until Trump gets to 1237 delegates.
Every State Cruz wins helps him for 2020 and 2024
OK - I’ll wait and see. The blood money is being poured out now.
Ted may be being used to deny just enough delegates to Trump to force a convention fight(no 1270 delegates to Trump)....I predict such!