I was not making a comment on open borders.
I was making a comment that I finally understand where all this “open borders” nonsense is coming from.
Someone with LOTS of $$$ and power has convinced the GOP that we need to fight the EU with a United North America.
Not sure who it is yet but I think its bigger than Goldman-Sachs.
While those in International Finance have certainly played on the implications & the effects of those, who for a variety of reasons--none actually morally justified--have been trying to build "new world orders," the driving force has really been more academic than financial. (Though undeniably, those business interests that operate on the premise that one country is as good as another, so long as they can make money there, have enabled the fantasy seekers to get away with undermining both national sovereignty & the cultural heritages of their respective people's.
Basically, the theoretic internationalists (humanists seeking to get back to a variety of Babel) are as dependent upon the greedy business types, willing to sell out their communities, as the latter are to the fantasy theorists.
I have been fighting these twin evils since High School in 1950--and am truly sick of having to do so.