My guess is a lot of show votes then a last second deal because they are out of time.
I would actually view that as a positive, if Ryan isn’t blowing smoke and giving them false items (a stretch). If there are in fact, some good ideas, I would expect candidates to weave those into their campaigns. But why does that image of Lucy pulling the football away from Charlie Brown come to mind?
Still hyping this lie I see....
Why do I get the feeling Ryan made the call to Trump and Cruz, and somewhere down the line, we’re going to get full details of any “compromises” in a Rubio campaign ad?
We have heard this story before. Not buying it again.
The word “conservative” and sellout Paul Ryan’s name should not even be in the same sentence.
Ryan is a Quisling sell-out member of the DC Uni-Party.
Don’t they need a “bold conservative agenda” to discuss first? They aren’t going to get one from Ryan and McConnell.
this is a setup.
Watch out Trump and Cruz
Bold Conservative Agenda , eh? Sounds like something out of Chairman’ Maos 5 year plans. (Roll back the agenda of the proletarian Republic and ensure victory to the bourgeoisie?)
Ryan’s only Bold Conservative Agenda is to assure that he gets a nomination of a candidate who will lose the general. Now that Republicans are awake, uncontrollable, Ryan wants to put controls on the new populist Republican movement.
I hope both Cruz and Trump kick Ryan’s arse clear to the top of the Washington Monument.
Trump’s secretary should have said, “Sorry, the Grand Dragon is not available to speak with you, Mr. Ryan.”