My vote was switched from Ted Cruz to Trump. I’d much rather it had been switched to Linda Grey — if it had to be switched. /sarc
But seriously, I see you’re still promoting your “they stole it” mime.
“But seriously, I see youre still promoting your they stole it mime.”
Evidently you don’t know your history. The Democrats and then the Republicans have been committing massive vote fraud since the founding of their respective political parties. The Democrats literally stole a territory and state of Kansas, resulting in a civil war. The Republicans returned the favor after the American Civil War, which is how the secret ballot was adopted. Previously the ballots were often deposited in a glass jar for everyone to see. The secret ballot made it easier for the Republican Party to commit vote fraud to counter and overwhelm the Democrat vote fraud. The question is when are the U.S. Citizens going to gather enough honest people together to put a stop to this ongoing vote fraud and make the future punishment draconian enough to deter all but the most suicidal of people from engaging in the vote fraud or giving it any aid and comfort?
In Austin, I don’t know, because, you know, Austin in weird. A real kook/nasty guy was elected Republican chair. But probably just laziness on the part of other candidates.