LOL, I love it. Such a good Christian boy. I wonder if he is hitting the bottle again. One thing is for sure, he is so committed to Ted Cruz, that he just may get committed before this is all over,
Beck is like listening to a Political radio Disney, as he sits with some side kick talking sh*t like high schoolers straining to come up with clever quips. Total fail.
Yeah “clarified” like Hell.
Beck’s Trump-hating stooge-producer ‘Stu’ was Beck’s fall guy for just this sort of response from the Secret Service.
“oh, I was kidding around with STU, that’s all!”
That lying sack o’ sh*t, he knew what he was doing and saying.
What a freaking idiot!
Fasting, some of the other stuff, okay but not this garbage.
Seeing the Secret Service show up can get your head screwed back on real quick.
Begs the question:
Why does the Secret Service bang on Beck door for Beck threatening his producer? Is Beck’s producer also running for President?
Is Beck a drinker? There is something definitely wrong with the guy. And he did some fantastic journalism at one time exposing the menace Obama on his Fox program. Those shows were the high point of expos`e journalism in modern times.
“thanks to yellow journalism”
That’s rich, coming from Dana Loeshe, since she has become as unhinged as Beck lately with her non stop airing of the same old KKK, tax return, NYTs bullspit.
I tried several times this week to listen to her, but every topic (even non political ones) eventually turned into a Trump bash.
We see the same type of stuff here on FR. Post a thread about cute puppies, and within the first 20 posts someone would say that Trump eats cute puppies.
Except that listening to what he actually said shows clearly he was talking about stabbing Trump.
Sowing The Seeds Of Hate!
Donald duck!. it's Goofy !
First 2 by Velveeta and third one by ozymandias ghost has links to videos & story, and the transcript.
I don’t care if he’s talking about Donald Trump or anyone else, this paranoid mental case, needs to watch his mouth.
Wow......I am pleasantly happy.
Beck, you are a ‘pageant mom’ for Ted Cruz! Please get a life and go away. Stop living, vicariously, through your candidate pick. You will NEVER be President and you will never be a ‘king maker’.
Put him in involuntary confinement 72 hours for observation. It was a threat.
Meanwhile Obama continues doing his best to destroy America as a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, parading his fellow muslims in & out of the WH in an effort to see what advantage they can have over our Judeo/Christian culture....... but who gives a sh&t?!!!
I think it is a coverup, they knew this was bad move by him and immediate went into coverup mode , hoping they could stop the backlash.
Good. I hope you get arrested you Crisis Garden Freak.