Act One?
The love for him will just grow!
Here are some good pics of KING Romney:
Romney is free to do this but I feel he should have to take questions on his McCarthyite accusations. How would he know what’s in Trumps taxes?
Romney deserves the Hook.
He is the GOPe that the base is sick of.....this is a waste of time and just plain sad. No, I will not pick Romney....ever.
I expect nothing less of Mittens.
But his attacks will only ensure Trump wins the nomination.
In a way, he’ll be toughening up Trump to deal with similar attacks that can be anticipated coming from Hillary Clinton.
Teflon Donald can weather the storm. Especially given that Mittens is the face of the despised and discredited GOP establishment.
RomKnees One Act Play
Trump’s a genius for contracting Mitt on this venture.
Was there an Act Two for Bud Dwyer? It will be difficult to follow that self-beclowning today.
In one fell swoop the accuser Romney demonstrated that he, not Trump, is actually the two-faced backstabbing treacherous worm.
Mitt’s such a pussy.
Of course. The GOPe is positioning right now. They will appear to take sides and say vote for anyone else. Even Cruz. Of course the absolutely hate Cruz and getting Cruz elected isn’t their goal. Their goal is to create chaos to have a brokered convention with someone (Romney) being chosen.
There may be differences between Trump and Cruz supporters, but let’s remember who the real enemy is in all this- the GOPe and liberalism.
Of course. The GOPe is positioning right now. They will appear to take sides and say vote for anyone else. Even Cruz. Of course the absolutely hate Cruz and getting Cruz elected isn’t their goal. Their goal is to create chaos to have a brokered convention with someone (Romney) being chosen.
There may be differences between Trump and Cruz supporters, but let’s remember who the real enemy is in all this- the GOPe and liberalism.
A future nightmare for children by the campfire:
=> Hide the conservative children from Willard
and his backstabbing surrogates.
Myth Rottweiler is just pissed that Trump has married 3 women and he’s stuck with just one. Brigham Young and Joseph Smith frown...
Has Peoria reported in yet?
Sorry, MiTT.
If Romney has a a problem with Trump, he needed to run for the nomination.
Then he could get his clock cleaned.
As usual.
My list of least liked Republicans used to be:
McCain, then Romney. Now its Romney then McCain.
How low does he want to go?
“More beatings and forced feedings until moral improves!
That’s a direct order! What do you mean, today’s conservatives don’t listen to their senior members anymore?
I don’t believe that. John McCain agrees with me!”