I would much rather pay a higher price and support an American worker here in the states than send my money overseas and support a communist regime. The truth of the matter is these goods coming from china are produced at a fraction of what they are sold for. They are priced about 40% less than American goods yet are produced for about 20% of the American cost.That $150 entertainment center you buy at walmart cost about $15 to make in china, that same entertainment center made in America would run about $190 and cost about $90 to be made here.
Also, I’d rather pay more for things like clothespins and safety pins of some quality rather than the crap we get now.
Where did you get those figures? The margins are not that big. Labor is a small part of production of manufactured goods. We are selling out for almost nothing, pennies on the dollar. it's a shame.
That’s up to you but forced higher costs and prices don’t help our economy, it hurts it badly and does NOTHING to address the ROOT CAUSES government-forced higher costs of doing business in America which drives businesses elsewhere. Protectionism is really wrongheaded and works AGAINST its supposed goals for a multitude of reasons.