Are mooses that dangerous? I imagine a mother with babies could be. Since I’m thinking of relocating to Maine, I need to know!!!
Yes they are very dangerous but they won’t eat you.
More people are hurt by moose every year than bears, but like the guy ahead of me said, they don’t eat you.
The biggest danger is probably hitting one in your car, they aren’t “lightweights” like deer. Beyond that they’re large wild animals, I’d use caution. In this case two yapping dogs didn’t help. I emerged from a tent once to find two munching on trees in my campsite, they didn’t give me a thought, but they were likely acclimated to humans. But I gave them a wide berth.
A moose bit my sister, once.
Yes, more dangerous than bears.
They will kick/trample you until you’re dead. Do not think of them as deer. Momma Moose are intensely interested in killing you if you approach their young.
Yes, they are dangerous. They have no fear of humans and dogs are an enemy as they think a dog is a wolf. They are also unpredictable. We have a lot of them around us in my part of Colorado, but injuries to people are rare.
Most problems happen from hitting them with cars, which usually totals the car, and having them attack people walking their dogs due to their hatred of dogs.
I put a comment on the article about an scary encounter I had while fishing. We love seeing them but give them a wide berth.