They have a right to be unhappy.
That is why I exclusively refer to them as the
Democrat Party.
Because there is absolutely nothing democratic about them.
Took them long enough to catch on.
Sander’s supporters are welcome to come vote for Trump in the general election.
Poor Sanders supporters. They are finding out, like Trump supporters, that there is ONE party rule in the United States of America and they’d rather die before they let that change
You all should stay home in protest since Hillary is stealing the nomination from your candidate.....
I foresee a lot of Republicans and Democrats checking out of this election.
That can only happen in a general election.
That can only happen in a general election.
Our youths are generally idealistic and Sanders is preying on that idealism. They will soon be completely disillusioned with the corruption from their party’s eventual candidate, Hillary!. They won’t vote for Trump, but I suspect they just won’t vote.
Sander’s supporters unhappy?
I don’t see Hillary’s supporters full of joy either.
These guys are just an unhappy lot determined to make the rest of us as unhappy as they are!
The deck was stacked against outsiders. GOPe had hoped to do the same! A coronation for a insider.
I guess I was wrong. I theorized the only people that could stop Hillary were the Berners. They are motivated enough by the promise of free stuff, they are angry they don’t have enough free stuff, and they are unemployed so have plenty of time to agitate for Bernie. The GOP will do everything they can to stop Trump and Cruz. Heck, I suspect the fix is in regardless. With so many illegal votes and an easily black mailed electoral college Obama won’t let his legacy be wiped out.