What did Obama know and when did he know it?
The list, Ping
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How Gay is that ?
Roger Murdock?
“The most transparent administration in US HISTORY”
"Wait a minute ... I know you! You're Lew Alcindor! You play basketball for the Los Angeles Lakers!"
"I'm sorry son, but you must have me confused with someone else. I'm Roger Murdock; I'm the co-pilot." ...
"I think you're the greatest! But my dad says you don't work hard enough on defense; and he says that lots of times you don't even run down court, and that you don't even try, except during the playoffs..."
"The hell I don't! Listen, kid: I've been hearing that crap ever since I was at UCLA. I'm out there busting my buns every night! Tell your old man to drag Walton and Lanier up and down the court for 48 minutes!" ...
Either Obama had zero control over his direct reports or he told them that he didn’t care what they did to conceal their email from authorities.
Hillary had her own server (that Obama knew about) and many others had aliases that they conducted official business on.
No leadership, or criminal. Take your pick.
“I have investigated myself and found no evidence of wrong doing.” -Eric Holder
He also went on to say that his bank PIN number is Zac Efron’s birthday because he’s just so damn dreamy.
He also went on to say that his bank PIN number is Zac Efron’s birthday because he’s just so damn dreamy.
Selfie sticks
Flipping off the camera
Quoting Mao Tse Tung (3 cabinet members did this in 6 weeks)
Using a whole tilt-rotar for a dog and BASKETBALLS
Deep-throating snow cones
Keeping email addresses of childhood heroes
See, with this Admin, it’s not just that so much has been OPNELY anti-America:
It’s also that so much outside of the anti-Americanism has been SO CHILDISH and so GHETTO.
This clown was the biggest dope to ever draw a U.S. Government paycheck. And that’s really saying something.
I thought he used “Stedman”
Elect a grifting traitor to run the country, who then appoints a black racist and former college rioter to run the justice department, and a known liar and seller of national secrets to run the State Department.
Then act surprised when they treat the country like their own personal treasury and police force.
“...Abdul-Jabbar’s birth name, Lew Alcindor...”
His birth name was Ferdinand Alcindor.
Notice that the “Lew Alcindor” email name had NO DOJ office identification on it unlike the other names.
This is how they covered up the real recipient. They should subpoena the sender’s emails to see how they set up this fake Holder email address.
Do I hear jail calling?
Love, Cassius Clay