To: AuntB
So its cool when someone says it about Trump but loony when someone says it about Cruz.
got it
5 posted on
02/23/2016 1:16:56 PM PST by
(I could eat it raw, but why do that when I have a fire.)
To: driftdiver
It certainly means more when someone says it about Trump because they've been a victim and Trump actually wants to fix the problem as opposed to when a millionaire with a subscription radio show works it into his daily "Apocalypse Hour" ravings.
12 posted on
02/23/2016 1:21:01 PM PST by
(Border: Close it. Illegals: Deport. Muslims: Ban 'em. Economy: Liberate it. PC: Kill it. Trump 2016)
To: driftdiver
Depends on who is saying it. A bereaved father or a loon like Beck
14 posted on
02/23/2016 1:27:10 PM PST by
To: driftdiver
“So its cool when someone says it about Trump but loony when someone says it about Cruz.”
Says WHAT?
Let me repeat...DONALD TRUMP was the first candidate to meet with and give a RIP about the families of victims of illegal aliens.
A month after Trump announced his run and had met with these families, Cruz FINALLY noticed they existed! WHERE WAS HE ALL THESE YEARS????
I promise you that Jamiel Shaw’s family and others had been begging Cruz for YEARS to notice!
17 posted on
02/23/2016 1:29:23 PM PST by
(Illegal immigration is simply more "share the wealth" socialism and a CRIME not a race!)
To: driftdiver
Like the lady said, Trump’s not just running his mouth.
24 posted on
02/23/2016 1:33:29 PM PST by
(America's founding fathers: all armed conservatives.)
To: driftdiver
The people saying it about Cruz also believe they are apostles.
Not someone with a title (like reverend or pastor or bishop) but literally apostles in the same manner Peter, John, & Matthew were apostles.
Yea, it’s different.
To: driftdiver
So its cool when someone says it about Trump but loony when someone says it about Cruz. got it No you do NOT get it.... Trump is not the 'holy roller', coming in the name of Jesus... This man's beloved son was slaughtered by Obama's illegals and Trump gave him the opportunity to tell the nation about his loss. You are reading a man's grief... And he got Comfort via Trump letting him mourn publicly.
34 posted on
02/23/2016 1:40:12 PM PST by
Just mythoughts
(Jesus said Luke 17:32 Remember Lot's wife.)
To: driftdiver
The difference is Cruz says it about himself.
48 posted on
02/23/2016 2:06:52 PM PST by
("First thing--get yourself a firearm!" Sheriff Ed Galt, Last Man St anding.)
To: driftdiver
There is a big difference here, I think you will have to admit.
55 posted on
02/23/2016 2:19:17 PM PST by
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