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To: winner3000
I cant believe such an article was written for a website with the word “conservative” in it. The pure contempt for actual conservative voters (Cruzs supporters) was up there with any Democrats! So, the goal is to make conservative voters angry, not give them any voice, so that they stay home and vote! Wow! That strategy worked out so well for Romney, didnt it? And calling conservatives right-wing, far-right, crazie” (or similar such words) is really endearing to people who dont want anything more than their public officials follow the Constitution! Crazy bastards!

The article talks about the unrealistically conservative voters.

The conservative voters that wait in vain for George Washington to run for office.

Literally George Washington. Or Jesus.

Anyone else, they don't vote.

To a lot of these people, Ronald Reagan wasn't good enough. Ronald Reagan actually drank a beer from time to time.

These people clutched their pearls and **GASPED**............ "He's having one of them alcohol drinks!"

I know people like this in my personal life.

I see these people on Free Republic every day.

No candidate will EVER be good enough for them.

Eventually Cruz will do something that will displease them, and they'll go into a religious ecstasy.

That's why they're being ignored.

40 posted on 02/21/2016 10:15:47 AM PST by IDontLikeToPayTaxes
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To: IDontLikeToPayTaxes
No candidate will EVER be good enough for them. Eventually Cruz will do something that will displease them, and they'll go into a religious ecstasy. That's why they're being ignored.

Oh, that's right. Let's all agree to ignore the inconvenient people. In fact, let's bring things in a little closer to the fire, and just let DC insiders vote. Isn't that about how things have been the last 25 years?

This campaign has to have been rough on you guys, being so tough on Yeb and Krispy Kreme and Kasich. I'm sure you look forward to getting things back to the way things used to, and should, be.

57 posted on 02/22/2016 3:09:43 AM PST by lentulusgracchus ("If America was a house , the Left would root for the termites." - Greg Gutierrez)
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