We would all be wise to remember in 2014 Chris McDaniel actually defeated Thad Cochran in the first GOP Mississippi primary. It was only after their initial defeat the GOPe decided to destroy anything that stood in their way - again, the retention of power was the ultimate motivator.
This was when the GOPe lost me forever. They are a filthy bunch. A GOPe candidate is no better than a democrat.
I am convinced that Demicrats voted for Rubio in the GOP primary.
The Cheap Labor Express will now put all its efforts behind The Memorizer Bunny
the GOPe decided to destroy anything that stood in their way â again, the retention of power was the ultimate motivator.
We can now expect those same DC influences, including the entire camp that supported Jeb Bush, the old guard, to work diligently (albeit under darkened cover) to assist Hillary Clinton, and destroy anything that would interrupt their grip on power.
Yes, the GOPe would rather lose to Hillary and retain their place at the trough than to see entry into their cloistered club by the Vulgarian Donald Trump.
Donald Trump is Alexander, slashing through the Gordian Knot.
Barbara, GWB, GHWB, Laura, Jebbie, Columba, George P. will all be voting for Mrs. Bill, I suspect. Any disagree?
Sundance river analogy is bad. He should have mentioned the Rhine
The allies crossing the Rhine was a mark of victory in a war, a point from which victory was possible
Crossing the Rubicon was a political act of personal life or political death. Thee was no war involved.
I can’t believe such an article was written for a website with the word “conservative” in it. The pure contempt for actual conservative voters (Cruz’s supporters) was up there with any Democrat’s!
So, the goal is to make conservative voters angry, not give them any voice, so that they stay home and vote! Wow! That strategy worked out so well for Romney, didn’t it?
And calling conservatives “right-wing”, “far-right”, “crazies” (or similar such words) is really endearing to people who don’t want anything more than their public officials follow the Constitution! Crazy bastards!
I saw some real nastiness in Cruz last night. He knows it’s over after losing to both Trump & Rubio. I think he’d be happy taking down Trump and giving the nom to Rubio at this point. That would get him back in the good graces of the GOPe.
IMHO, there’s a very real possibility of the GOP losing not only the presidency in 2016, but the House and Senate as well.
I think the Senate may already be gone, given the treatment of Chris McDaniel at the hands of the GOP-e in 2014 as well as the unbridled contempt for the conservative wing of the base displayed by McTurtle and his minions since.
Similarly, the House GOP, having turned its collective back on those who delivered it a majority and, instead, giving Obama more than he ever asked for, may be held to account by its constituents.
We can now expect those same DC influences, including the entire camp that supported Jeb Bush, the old guard, to work diligently (albeit under darkened cover) to assist Hillary Clinton
Not quite yet. Eggs are in the Rubio+Cruz basket. ANYTHING to defeat Trump, and Hillary is not it.
Very interesting. Thanks for posting.
Since Trump stands to gain most if not all of the delegates in South Carolina, does this mean he has secured his FIRST of the EIGHT state minimum?
I think it does, but I’m not 100% sure.
I believe Ted Cruz does not see the opening.
In only 24 hours, Ted Cruz could contact Trump and secure 100% the VP spot. In a heartbeat. And...he could cut a deal to be the FIRST choice for the SCOTUS opening.
If he did and endorsed Trump, the Trump/Cruz ticket would unite and BURY the GOPe.
The ironic thing is, the ‘art of the deal’ guy may not see this either.
The...DEAL needs to be drawn up and agreed to secure Trump as POTUS, Cruz as VPOTUS, and defeat of the Georgetown crowd.
Come on, Cruz can’t win this now. But, in only minutes he can be the VP and then POTUS in 2020/2024, etc.
It is only thru a team effort that you can possibly take down the GOPe.
Remember how we allied with the Soviet Union to defeat Nazi Germany.