Glad you like the images. And I agree that it would be great to see more images on FR. Many of us have big 20 inch LCD screens on our desktops so it's a chance to get fuller use of these beautiful displays. And Free Republic is a nice canvas. You can do a lot with it using some basic HTML code. To get started on manipulation, I suggest downloading a copy of the free image capture tool, MWSnap. This will allow you to go on Google Images, crop a portion of an image, drop the image into Microsoft Excel and then just add a caption over the image. Then capture what you create in Excel, and save it as your finished image file which you can then load to Photobucket etc. for use in FR. So I'll let you know when I post a little "How To" video on this subject. Cheers. |
You can also use the built-in Snipping Tool in modern versions of Windows, or the more sophisticated one that’s in OneNote.