All the men you mentioned repented. Each and every one. If you can show me where Mr. Trump has repented, I could be persuaded. I have not heard it. I have heard him belittle Dr. Carson’s conversion to Christ.
“All the men you mentioned repented. Each and every one. If you can show me where Mr. Trump has repented, I could be persuaded. I have not heard it. I have heard him belittle Dr. Carsonâs conversion to Christ.”
So everyone who repents to Christ needs to make sure you make note of it? Are you the Gatekeeper? It’s none of your business.
They repented AFTER God elevated them, Katie. Don’t you see that? (Except for Paul who was struck down by God until he repented.)
God is in the process of elevating this man.
Or Mrs. Clinton.
What is God’s reason for doing so?