To: onyx; TigersEye; DoughtyOne; hoosiermama
Corey Booker was on Morning Joe touting his book. It came up that he might be a running mate for Hillary? And it also came up that he might be in line for a scotus post, although that was dismissed somewhat.
Corey Booker was once the alternative if Obama didn’t pan out for the elites.
Do a little research there are speeches online that are exactly the same for Booker and Obama.
Brezezinski mentored both Booker and Obama.
To: Whenifhow
Thanks for mentioning that. Was unaware of it.
88 posted on
02/16/2016 2:34:08 PM PST by
(Facing Trump nomination inevitability, folks are now openly trying to help Hillary destroy him.)
To: Whenifhow
That is disturbing. At least Kristie Kreme has been shut down for the time being.
98 posted on
02/16/2016 2:39:21 PM PST by
(This is the age of the death of reason and rule of law. Prepare!)
To: Whenifhow; DoughtyOne
Corey Booker is making the rounds with his timely new book.
He was also on Fox'n Friends this morning.
I'm picking Booker for my guess, because as a Senate colleague, Booker would be the most difficult to reject and also the most difficult to refuse a hearing to him.
104 posted on
02/16/2016 2:45:33 PM PST by
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